Furni Imported News

64 new furni found -update


Update at 19:40:06

8 replies on “64 new furni found -update”

Habbo needs to stop with the buyable clothing. They need to update the HC wardrobe especially when they think it is cute to hike up the HC cost from 25c to 25c + 25d to 50c + 50d without even adding any additional benefits -sigh- What's worse is that they accidentally hide all of the effects from the catalog when they overhauled the duckett shop. They should bring back the effect section of the catalog but with all of the old effects (including the promotional effects). Also, Habbo needs to partner with more companies and create promotional items, furni, clothing, events, and etc. so they can make money instead of leeching off of everyone. They think they can't enter any partnerships anymore after the great mute had happened with the scandal but they are wrong! All they have to do is at least enter a partnership and I don't want habbo to get acquired by companies that are KNOWN to acquire stuff only to leech the crap out of it with micro-transactions before closing it down, ESPECIALLY NOT EA LIKE OMG, If that happened I think a civil war would break out.

firstly, habbo is all about money

say goodbye to the good old days because nothing will change

and no, habbo is struggling to find partnerships relevant to users and has been for a very long time

habbo is dying


Truth be told, if it wouldnt have been for players buying their habbo coins off third party sites, Sulake wouldnt have the struggle they have today with profits and user loss. So in one way its our own fault that they are taking necessary means to prevent a bankruptcy.

After all, Sulake is owned by a group of shareholders since many years back. What do you think would happen if they withdrew their moneyflow from Sulakes' pockets? Ya, you guessed right. No more pixel community for you.

(As a bonus obstacle for Sulake, Flash - which the habbo client is built upon - will no longer be supported by major browsers as of late 2017/early 2018. That means that Sulake quickly have to develop a new client - yes, again - or shut down. My bet is unfortunately on the latter.)

Enjoy it while it last, brothers and sisters in pixels. But don't expect it to last too long.

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