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Puhekupla's Tim Burton Event Guide

Puhekupla's 101 Guide to our event!
(Note this guide has been posted before the event has been open. The event will be open to the public around 4:00pm Gmt time.)
Follow us step by step through the journey of Tim Burton Films to earn yourself an awesome badge!

Step 1:
Step on the tile showed below.

Step 2:
Enter the teleport.

Step 3:
Find all 5 Switches and flick them to the glowing state.

Switch 1:

Switch 2:

Switch 3:

Switch 4:

Switch 5:

When finished say done.

Step 4:
Walk on the fish to find the correct fish that will teleport you to the teleport.

Step 5:
Enter the teleport.

Step 6:
Step on the Ring plates showed below.

Step 7:
Step on a ring plate to start the game.

Step 8:
Make your way across the snow to the other side while avoiding the elf’s. Then stand on the ring plate on the other side.

Step 9:
Enter the teleport.

Step 10:
Wait patiently in the line.

Step 11:
When its your turn walk on the gate.

Step 12:
You need to block the Red Queen from getting to your side. You need to move the mushrooms into the correct spaces to block the Queen.
To do this you need to move the mushrooms into the correct direction by standing on the correct tile and saying the correct direction.
4 Directions:

You have 1 minute to do this and avoid getting hit by the balls.

Mushroom one: Stand on the circled tile showed below and say the word “stay”.

Mushroom 2: Stand on the tile circled below and say “forward”.

Mushroom 3: Stand on the tile circled below and say “forward”.

Mushroom 4: Stand on the tile circled below and say “forward”.

Mushrooms 5: Stand on the tile circled below and say “left”.

Once All the 5 coloured tiles turn green step on one of the 3 tiles and say done.

Step 13: Enter the teleport.

Step 14: Step in the correct furni that will teleport you to the teleport. (the furni changes every 10 seconds).

Step 15: Enter the teleport.

Step 16: Wait patiently in the line.

Step 17: You have 30 seconds to use the arrow plates and to direct the Chem set to the Pressure plate.

Step 18: Enter the teleport.

Step 19: Interact with the correct furni's and say the correct furni motto to turn all tiles green. Say done after you have done this.
1. Press Use on the pink flowers.

2. Step on the circled area showed below.

3. Say the motto- What can you build?

4. Use the Television.

5.Use the yellow flowers.

Step 20: Enter the teleport to receive your badge.

Puhekupla's Fansite Weekend Event
We're all mad here...

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