Imported News

Group Chat is here -UPDATE


Wow. It’s here. Group Chat – a feature our talented developers finished in November 2015 and made available to a small group of Habbos for testing – is now LIVE in the .COM hotel!

To use it, all you have to do is open your Friends List. The groups you are a member of will have a chat window listed. You can minimise this list if you only want to see your friends. See the below picture:

- While we iron out some small technical issues, only group administrators will be able to chat inside Group Chats.
- This feature will be rolled out to other hotels in due course - please be patient while we make sure everything is in order first.

UPDATE 18/01/2017
Due to some issues we previously didn't notice, we have decided to turn the group messaging feature off for now. This will be turned off indefinitely while we polish the feature, so we are unable to say when it will return.

Habbo News

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