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New codes - Easter17

landing.view.mar17petgame.body=Visit our pet store and step into the shoes of an exotic pet EXPERT! Help enough customers choose one and you'll get a badge...
landing.view.mar17petgame.button=Open the navigator!
landing.view.mar17petgame.header=Pet Store Mini Game!

Top pet seller
For running the most succesful pet store in Habbo

npc.easter_bunny.localization_1=Yeah. I'm a real bunny. *Sarcastic face*
npc.easter_bunny.localization_2=I hope you get COAL in your egg.
npc.easter_bunny.localization_3=Spring sucks. Bring on Summer, man.
npc.easter_bunny.localization_4=Are you a good cook? Didn't think so. The ingredients in these eggs won't help you anyway.
npc.easter_bunny.localization_5=Last Easter I threw up all over the eggs I was supposed to be delivering.
npc.easter_bunny.localization_6=You lot are rubbish. EASTER is rubbish!
npc.easter_bunny.localization_7=Click on the Hollow Eggs I drop to get Chocolate Bars, Flour and other Easter items!

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