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Official Games - Donnie Santini and the lost stone from Santorini

Donnie Santini and the lost stone from Santorini

(*) Welcome to Greece!
Now find your way to the beach. Yes, the answer is a hidden teleport. No, we won´t tell you how to get there but there must be some way to move that wall.

Santorini Game 1

Game 1

(*) Start the game
Play some beach sport and make sure to shoot a ball on one of the color tiles. As soon as you do, several levers appear on the beach. Hurry up, you have only 10 seconds to use the lever and be teleported to the boats.

Leftos Island
The left island is definitely worth a visit. Reach the island through the water mattresses and rafts. Do not get in the water!

Middlelos Island
The middle island with untouched nature must not be skipped. Step into the long grass to be teleported, be patient and sooner... or later you will reach the teleport.

Rightos Island
The right island is a must visit, but risky to swim to because of the sharks. Swim fast and make sure they don´t catch you!

Santorini Game 2

Game 2

(LOCK) Game 3 (not available)

Santorini Game 3

(LOCK) Game 4 (not available)

Santorini Game 4

(*) Light the lighthouses!
When all lighthouses are on the right spot, you will have access to the old cave of Donnie's ancestors. A kind of storage barn, but then over 1000 years old.
To move a lighthouse, make sure it is lighten first. The candle in your hand will light them. As soon as you have reached a lighthouse, you can move them to the right place with the arrow tiles. There are old prints from where they have stood before.

Lighthouse 1
Walk to the lighthouse, but watch out for the crabs. Make sure you climb the rocks and do not get into the water, because that will extinguish your candle.

Lighthouse 2
Oh ooh the water tanks are blocking the road. Keep walking, you'll get there!

Lighthouse 3
There are no obstacles here but it is a whole climb. For your own safety you can not get off the paths.

Santorini Game 5

Game 5

(*) So close...
Unravel the color code to find the door to fortune. What color code? Well, that you have to unravel so pay attention, there are hints. Make sure you do it before all the torches are put out and don´t move when the guard is checking out the room or it will be the end of the story!

Santorini Game 6

Game 6


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