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Coming Soon - Flipflops and Socks! (Community Challenge) -UPDATE 2

landing.view.aug17socks.body=Click the button below to go to the Catalogue and use your Duckets (Habbo's free currency) to get your Flipflops and Socks!
landing.view.aug17socks.button=Get your Flipflops! Challenge the latest Fashion trend straight from Paris! Get some Flip Flops with socks and make sure to be part of the coolest Habbo´s in the hotel! Flip Flip Sock owners
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.flipflopSocks=Get your item now!

badge_name_FFS01=Flip Flops and Socks Look Competition
badge_name_FFS02=For having Socks in Flip Flops in your closet
badge_name_FRC77=Team Flipflop

UPDATE 1: landing.view.aug17socks.header=Flipflops and Socks!

Flip Flops and Socks Look Competition / For having Socks in Flip Flops in your closet / Team Flipflop

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