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Modification in codes - Moderators

(ZAP) New codes: Habbo Camera picture does not follow the Habbo Way, and has been censored.

guide.bully.request.error.not_enough_guardians.message=Your report couldn't be checked because there weren't enough Guardians available. The report was forwarded to us. case has been forwarded to us. than bullying - let us know right away!

help.emergency.chat_report.description=Help us moderate by highlighting the lines of chat that you feel we need to see. Please note that if your call is not relevant, it will not be handled by us. censored. censored. censored.

messenger.moderationinfo=Sharing your password or personal details online is dangerous. We may monitor these conversations for your safety.

notification.ambassador.alert.warning.message=The Ambassadors don't think your behaviour is appropriate. You should watch out before we get involved! meet up with people you only know from the internet - people aren't always who they claim to be. If someone asks you to meet with them in real life say "No thanks!" and tell us, your parents or another trusted adult. someone is making you feel uncomfortable or scaring you with threats inside Habbo, report them to us immediately using the Help Button.

(ZAP) Old codes: Camera Pic does not follow the Habbo Way and has been blacked out by a moderator.

guide.bully.request.error.not_enough_guardians.message=Your report couldn't be checked because there weren't enough Guardians available. The report was forwarded to the moderators. forwarded to moderators. than bullying - let the moderators know!

help.emergency.chat_report.description=Help our moderators by highlighting the lines of chat that you feel they need to see. Please note that if your call is not relevant, it will not be handled by the Moderators. deleted by Moderator deleted by Moderator hidden by moderator

messenger.moderationinfo=Sharing your password or personal details online is dangerous. The moderators might monitor these conversations for your safety.

notification.ambassador.alert.warning.message=The Ambassadors don't think your behaviour is appropriate. You should watch out before a moderator gets involved! meet up with people you only know from the internet, people aren't always who they claim to be. If someone asks you to meet with them in real life say "No thanks!" and tell a moderator, your parents or another trusted adult. someone is making you feel uncomfortable or scaring you with threats in Habbo, report them immediately to a moderator using the Panic Button.

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