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Sulake confirms the development of a new game

An interview with Liisa Puurunen, Sulake's CEO, was published today by Finland's largest circulation newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat. See below the main issues:

Advertising and marketing

Liisa Puurunen said that Habbo has not invested in advertising and marketing activities in Habbo for years. Therefore, the notable drop in users was expected by them. But still, the company has no plans for this in the coming months.
The company's strategy is to bet on the most loyal users so that they generate positive feedback on the game for potential new users

Hotel closing and users

The director cited rumors about the possible closure of, Sulake's smallest community. She says that Habbo is still a very lucrative product and so there would be no need to close hotels in the next few years. She also said that the number of active players is still in the house of seven digits. By 2015, it had about 2 to 3 million. The large user base is in Brazil, the best market for the company.

New game :o

A rumor generated by @Puhekupla_staff's investigators has been confirmed: the Project X. Sulake is in fact working on the development of a new game and will be released in 2018. But Puurunen chose not to give much information about it, but it will be something like Habbo. Evidence indicates that this game is the Hotel Hideaway.

Read the article here (in Finnish).

Thanks to Bottila.

4 replies on “Sulake confirms the development of a new game”

Hotel Hideaway is made and owned by a bunch of chinese people.

Hotel Hideaway have been under development since October 2016. Maybe check their old Instagram photos, before you judge that it is a Sulake owned game?

Besides that. Why on earth, would Habbo host the Hotel Hideaway website on a Planetmedia website, to 9$ a month? Again, it's not a sulake product....

Instead of just jumping ship to a new product when the habbo cash cow gets milked dry they could invest in making habbo an attractive chat room for teens like back in the day??

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