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Classic Rares -UPDATE

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10 replies on “Classic Rares -UPDATE”

Once again, Habbo is fucking up its own economy. The economy that is keeping them open. I can't wait for Habbo to close, it will eventually from shitty decisions like these. They seem small but it [b]all [/b]adds up.

.com gets no loss on the economy since both the black ICM's are tradelocked. As for the closure of hotels, it is highly unlikely especially since habbo still makes sulake 7 digit figures a year.

Décevant de voir que Sulake baisse l'économie de leur jeu. Sur .fr, le sac de couchage orange était inestimable par sa rareté désormais il vaut 20 crédits...

Disappointing to see that Sulake lowers the economy of their game. On .fr, the orange sleeping bag was priceless by its rarity now it is worth 20 credits ...

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