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Easter 2018 - Community Challenge + Games -UPDATE

UPDATE 22/02

landing.view.easter18game.body=In this month's games, you need to show off your green credentials and take action against pixel polluters. Do this and set different species of animal free!
landing.view.easter18game.button=Go to the Navigator!
landing.view.easter18game.header=Easter Garden Games! the Easter pets! Challenge! All of the Easter pets have turned into blocks of pixels! We need your help to correct this. Each time you play one of our Easter games, the Habbo Easter garden becomes slightly more eco-friendly. As a reward for this, the animals will return. The more animals are set free, the higher the meter goes. If the challenge is completed, everyone who has contributed will receive an extra badge! pets saved

badge_name_EGA27=For saving the Easter pets in 2018

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