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Easter Garden Games! - Easter Rescue //UPDATE1

Easter Garden Games!
In this month's games, you need to show off your green credentials and take action against pixel polluters. Do this and set different species of animal free!

Easter Rescue

(ZAP) Game 1 - Gnomes and Leprechauns
The Easter egg factory is one of the biggest polluters in the magical Easter garden. The paint can no longer be absorbed by the magic pixel grass and must be recycled in the recycling bin.

Bring the recycle bin to all the paint splashes to clean them up. If the room is paint free, the Gnomes and Leprechauns will be set free.

Easter egg hunt!
Easter egg badges are hidden in all official public rooms. Are you going to find all ten?

(ZAP) Game 2 - Bunnies
There's nothing quite as tasty and healthy as homegrown tomatoes. The bunnies were SO done with the pre-made rabbit food.

Walk through the room and find the three hidden tomato questions. If you are able to answer all three of these questions correctly, the bunnies will be set free.

Easter egg hunt!
Easter egg badges are hidden in all of the public rooms. Are you going to find all ten?

(ZAP) Game 3 - Cows
Do I smell pixel poop? That's right! We're going to fertilize the Magical Easter garden with our own fertilized pixel poop. NO MORE CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS! NO MORE CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS!

- Enter the toilet to take a pixel dump.
- Move the pixel poop to all the pressure plates near the flower patches.
- Some flower patches can only be accessed via the sewer.
- To descend into the sewer, move the pixel poop to the hole and use the lever.
- To climb out of the sewer, move the pixel poop to a circle block and use the lever.

When all the patches have been fertilized, you can walk into the field to give them water to make them bloom and set the cows free.

Easter egg hunt!
Easter egg badges are hidden in all public rooms. Are you going to find all ten?

(ZAP) Game 4 - Pigeons
Generating energy from water... this is a great green initiative, but unfortunately the supply has been interrupted and the residents are now without light.

- Water way 1: Move the missing piece to the water way by using the lever, but make sure the rabbit does not see you, you do not want to chase it off course.
- Water way 2: Only walk if the tiles are yellow.
- Water way 3: Move the last missing piece to the water way in order to turn the lights on and free the pigeons.

Easter egg hunt!
Easter egg badges are hidden in all public rooms. Are you going to find all ten?

(ZAP) Game 5 - Chicks
We love clean clothes dried in the fresh morning air, as opposed to being dried inside a musty old clothes dryer. It's also SO much better for the environment, because you don't use any energy at all!

Step 1: Wash the item of clothing until it is bright white and completely clean. To wash the item of clothing, you have to step on the central pressure plate while the clothing is in the bath. When the item of clothing is clean, you will be able to enter the one-way door.
Step 2: Make sure that all clothing items dry in an eco-friendly fashion on the washing line. When the item of clothing arrives in the basket, you need to use the lever to make sure it's collected to dry.
Step 3: All clothes are dry and folded up, but they need to be made ready to be picked up in order for the chicks to be set free. Rotate the rollers in the right direction by stepping on the pressure plate. Don't panic if the folded laundry falls off or get stuck - you can use the lever to restart the procedure! Use the one way-door to receive the badge.

Easter egg hunt!
Easter egg badges are hidden in all public rooms. Are you going to find all ten?

(ZAP) Game 6 - Obbah Wobbahs
Ohhhh... we saw that! ...Electricity pylons! They're SO ugly in such beautiful Easter-themed surroundings, and not at ALL environmentally friendly. Find five magical Easter eggs that will give you all one lever to stop this environmental pollution. Use the levers to break the wires. Once all the wires are broken, you can step on the yellow coloured tile to free the Obbah Wobbahs!

Easter egg hunt!
Easter egg badges are hidden in all public rooms. Are you going to find all ten?

Easter Rescue - Cows

Easter Rescue - Bunnys

Easter Rescue - Chicks

Easter Rescue - Pigeons

Easter Rescue - Obbah wobbahs

Easter Rescue - Gnomes & Leprechauns

2018 Easter Egg (1/10)

2018 Easter Egg (2/10)

2018 Easter Egg (3/10)

2018 Easter Egg (4/10)

2018 Easter Egg (5/10)

2018 Easter Egg (6/10)

2018 Easter Egg (7/10)

2018 Easter Egg (8/10)

2018 Easter Egg (9/10)

2018 Easter Egg (10/10)

- Habbo COM
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- Habbo ES
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