Imported News

Hideaway Hotel codes on Habbo -UPDATE

Codes linked to Hotel Hideaway game have been added to Habbo Hotel. From Settings, in your Habbo account, you will see a tab written "Hideaway". By clicking on it, you will access a page with a QR Code, possibly an invitation or access pass to the Hideaway.

(The page has some bugs)

At the moment, this page is accessible only from an ultra-secret hotel, restricted to only a few Sulake Staffs, but the links will be:{{code}}

Somehow it may be that Hideaway and Habbo accounts are linked soon, but we still don't know how the QR Code will be used

Updated by Leotoddy - 17:20 GMT

New page have been discovered

4 replies on “Hideaway Hotel codes on Habbo -UPDATE”

Well time to stop paying attention to Habbo or Sulake... After beta everything was just **** Hope nobody is going to play hideaway lol...

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