Underwater House Bundle
Now that you've travelled all the way to the Coral Kingdom, make sure you buy a house here! Comes with exclusive badge
Underwater House Bundle
90 + 90
Mermaid Lagoon Bundle
Only mermaids have ever set foot in this idyllic spot. Now YOU get to live here! Comes with exclusive badge
Mermaid Lagoon Bundle
39 + 39
(*) Codes:
landing.view.coral18game.body=...and this summer he has booked a holiday to the mysterious Habbo Triangle Islands where he embarks upon a snorkeling expedition to discover if mermaids really exist. Pack your snorkel and join him now!
landing.view.coral18game.button=Open the navigator!
landing.view.coral18game.header=Donnie Santini is back!
landing.view.coral18packs.body=Coral Kingdom packs are available NOW for 24 hours! It's up to you to take your pick!
landing.view.coral18packs.button=Get a pack!
landing.view.coral18packs.header=Coral Kingdom Packs