["rm_dbl_tto20a","50 per cent Off 220 Credits","Get 220 credits and diamonds for the price of 110 credits! Offer available for 48 hours, limited to 3 per person"]
["rm_dbl_tto21a","50 per cent Off 40 Credits","Get 40 credits and diamonds for the price of 20 credits! Offer available for 48 hours, limited to 1 per person"]
UPDATE 16/07:
["rm_dbl_tto20b","50 per cent Off 60 Credits","Get 60 credits and diamonds for the price of 30 credits! Offer available for 48 hours, limited to 3 per person"]
["rm_dbl_tto21b","50 per cent Off 30 Credits","Get 30 credits and diamonds for the price of 15 credits! Offer available for 48 hours, limited to 1 per person"]
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14 replies on “July 2018 - Classic Rares + Offers // UPDATE1” will not have new classic rares?
no will be closed on 23th July
your mom
OMG!!! :'(
All classic rares have already been released on .com you tard sandwich
How can the blue submarine be a classic rare? :S
In [b][/b] there are no rare classics
The submarine had never been released in .tr ?
Blue submarine have never been released in any hotel, it was a crackable item from the yellow crackable egg, are you even old enough for speaking like that about rares, you tard sandwich?
I know that but I wanted to know if it was like the others hotels for habbo .tr
putain nous les français on a toujours de la merde :(
si t'es pas content tu ftg
Mais tes srx toi? FTG sale boufon! les parasol cest de la merde!
va ken ta mere enfant de putin jvai tenvoyé dans les four crématoir sous race de pute