landing.view.tokyo18plushies.body=Use these plushies with the Toolbot crafting table to create brand new Tokyo-themed clothing items!
landing.view.tokyo18plushies.button=See the plushies!
landing.view.tokyo18plushies.header=RARE Plushies for sale!
landing.view.tokyo18plushy.body=Contained inside these Gacha Machines are 1 of 10 different Tokyo plushies. Craft them together to make different items of clothing using the Toolbot!
landing.view.tokyo18plushy.button=Get a Gacha Machine!
landing.view.tokyo18plushy.header=Gacha Machines Available NOW!
Gacha Machine / Toolbot (crafting table)
tokyo_c18_toy1 - tokyo_c18_toy10
Craft Tokyo Clothing