Imported News

New Diamond Paintings (codes) - Habbo

NEW Diamond Paintings!
Go and see all of the exquisite new diamond paintings we've just added to the Catalogue's wall decorations section. If you're a collector, you NEED to see them!

["diamond_painting31","Habbo Girl",""]
["diamond_painting32","Habbo with a Mirror",""]
["diamond_painting33","Prima Habbolina",""]
["diamond_painting34","Composition 8 Bit",""]
["diamond_painting35","Girl with H",""]
["diamond_painting36","Mr Pixel Face",""]
["diamond_painting37","Banned Activity",""]
["diamond_painting38","Le Corrupted Kitty",""]
["diamond_painting39","The Facepalm",""]
["diamond_painting41","The Duckmare",""]

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