Imported News

Fairytale Easter Rares - Habbo

RARE Rainbow Forest Chicken!
This particular species of forest chicken can live for 240 years and only turns fully rainbow coloured after its 100th birthday. Radical, rare and never to be sold again - go take a look today!

EFT06 (badge)
RARE Rainbow Forest Chicken

¡RARO Pollo arcoiris del bosque!
RARO Ave Arco-Íris da Floresta!
HARVINAINEN Sateenkaarimetsän kana
Poulet Arc-En-Ciel des Forêts RARE
Pollo Arcobaleno della Foresta RARO!
Zeldzame Regenboog Boskip!
RARE Regenbogen Waldhuhn
NADÄ°RE GökkuÅŸağı Orman TavuÄŸu!

RARE Fairytale Forest Wreath!
Dress like a forest queen. Or a king, of course. Take a look at this rare clothing item before it leaves the Catalogue forever!

EFT07 (badge)
RARE Fairytale Forest Wreath

¡RARO Guirnalda de Cuento de Hadas del bosque!
RARO Coroa Forças da Natureza!
HARVINAINEN Taikametsän seppele
Couronne Féérique RARE !
Ghirlanda Foresta da Favola RARA!
Zeldzame Sprookjesbos Krans!
RARE Märchenwald Kranz
NADÄ°RE Peri Masalı Orman Çelenk Tacı!

RARE Fairytale Forest Swing!
Get your dose of leisure time while on a visit to a forest full of fairies. This furni is classified as rare and never to return to Habbo again!

EFT08 (badge)
RARE Fairytale Forest Swing

¡RARO Columpio de Cuento de Hadas del bosque!
RARO Balanço na Árvore Encantada!
HARVINAINEN Satumetsän keinu
Balançoire Féérique RARE !
Altalena della Foresta da Favola RARA!
Zeldzame Sprookjes bos Boomschommel
RARE Märchenwald Schaukel!
NADİRE Peri Masalı Orman Salıncağı!

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