Furni Imported News

BACK: Diamond Gift Boxes! (November) - Habbo

Diamond Gift Boxes!
Affordably priced, these gift boxes can contain one of a variety of items. If you're REALLY lucky, you might get a classic, diamond version of clothing!


5 + 5


Cajas Regalo Diamantes!
Caixas de Presente Diamante!
Timanttiset lahjapaketit!
Pacchi Regalo Diamanti!
Elmas Hediyelik Kutular!

(Habbo .NL / .FR)

Vêtements en Diamant
Diamanten Kleding!

8 replies on “BACK: Diamond Gift Boxes! (November) - Habbo”

Damn the loot crate ban in The Netherlands is actually really effective. Prices are ridiculous though, about 50 euros worth of diamonds for 1 diamond fish hat LOL

No hacer nada enserio culeros los del hotel, solo quieren sacar provecho ustedes los afectados por el regreso -.-!!! No todo es revender, eh.

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