Imported News

The Habbo 2020 Looks Editor


As we finish off more and more of Habbo 2020's features, we want to ensure we keep you all up to date and aware of what the client will actually look like before its release next year.

The new client's looks editor is largely similar to the existing one in a practical sense, but as you can see from the picture below it is cosmetically quite different.

Please note that the client we've pictured is still an early version, so some elements could easily change and probably will.

Let us know what you think of the looks editor using the #Habbo2020 hashtag on social media!

-Habbo Staff

2 replies on “The Habbo 2020 Looks Editor”

The design is alright, but not for desktop users.. Same goes for the other client preview. I really want to see how this design holds on bigger/smaller screens.

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