Imported News

Habbo Xmas 2020 and New Year 2021 - Habbo

Here's what coming to Habbo in December!

(I) Habbo Christmas 2020:

(DIAMOND) NEW: Magic Forest Bundle
Make your winter vacation extra special by hopping into a magical forest adventure unlike any other! Room made by Jenneben (NL)

X2001 (badge)
Magic Forest Bundle

199 credits
90 credits + 90 diamonds

NUEVO: Lote Bosque Mágico
NOVO: Pack Floresta Nórdica Encantada
UUTUUS: Taikametsä-huonepaketti
Nouveau : Pack Forêt Magique
NUOVO: Affare Stanza Foresta Magica
NIEUW: Toverbos Bundel
NEU: Zauberwald Bündel
YENÄ°: Büyülü Orman Paketi

(DIAMOND) NEW: Winter in Habbo Stonehenge Bundle
We hear that Stonehenge is beautiful in winter. After seeing it with our own pixel eyes, we can confirm that's true! Room made by Pulx (COM)

X2002 (badge)
Winter in Habbo Stonehenge Bundle

199 credits
90 credits + 90 diamonds

NUEVO: Lote Invierno en Habbo Stonehenge
NOVO: Pack Habbo Stonehenge
UUTTA: Habbon talvinen Stonehenge-huonepaketti
NOUVEAU : Pack Hiver à Habbo Stonehenge
NUOVO: Affare Stanza Inverno nella Stonehenge di Habbo
NIEUW: Winter in Habbo Stonehenge Bundel
NEU: Winter im Habbo Stonehenge Bündel
YENİ: Habbo Stonehenge'ta Kış Oda Paketi

(DIAMOND) NEW: Enchanted Winter Forest Clothing!
Some brave fashion choices await as part of our new collection. Check them out now!

Code: clothing_braidedwavyhair
Name: Nordic Braids
Price: 5 credits + 10 diamonds

Nordic Braids

Code: clothing_kilt
Name: Tartan Kilt
Price: 4 credits + 10 diamonds

Tartan Kilt

Code: clothing_kilttop
Name: Tartan Sash
Price: 4 credits + 10 diamonds

Tartan Sash

Code: clothing_lanternstaff
Name: Back Lantern
Price: 3 credits + 10 diamonds

Back Lantern

NUEVO: Ropa de Invierno Bosque Encantado
NOVO: Itens de Vestir Floresta Nórdica Encantada!
UUTTA: Lumotun talvimetsän kuteet!
NOUVEAU : Vêtements Forêt d'hiver Enchantée !
NUOVO: Indumenti Foresta Invernale Incantata!
NIEUW: Winter Toverbos Kleding!
NEU: Bezaubernde Winterwald-Kleidung!
YENÄ°: Büyülü Kış Orman Giysileri!

(DIAMOND) NEW: Rock Crafter! (Crafting table)
Get your very own crafting table to turn coloured Rune Rocks into enchanted, forest-dwelling creatures!

Code: xmas_c20_crafter
Name: Rock Crafter (crafting table)
Price: 10 credits

Code: xmas_c20_flowerguy
Name: Flower Face

Code: xmas_c20_earthguy
Name: Earth Viking

Code: xmas_c20_fireguy
Name: Magma Gnome

Code: xmas_c20_rockguy
Name: Rock Elder

Code: xmas_c20_snowguy
Name: Rotund Yeti

Code: xmas_c20_magicguy
Name: Mountain Dragon

Code: xmas_c20_iceguy
Name: Icy Beast

NUEVO: ¡Roca Artesana! (Mesa de Crafteo)
NOVO: Entidade Celta (criações Habbo)
UUTTA: Kivityöläinen
NOUVEAU : Artisan des Roches ! (Atelier de fabrication)
NUOVO: Creatore di Rocce! (Tavolo del Crafting)
NIEUW: Steen Crafter! (Craft tafel)
NEU: Steinkünstler! (Handwerkstisch)
YENÄ°: Kaya Üreticisi! (Üretim masası)

(DIAMOND) RARE Elven Ice Fountain!
This fountain was carefully sculpted by the elves who live in the enchanted forest. Rare and never to be sold again!

X2012 (badge)
Rare Elven Ice Fountain

Code: xmas_r20_icefountain
Name: Elven Ice Fountain

¡RARO Fuente de Hielo Élfica!
RARO Fonte de Gelo Élfica!
HARVINAINEN Jäinen haltijalähde!
RARE Fontaine de Glace Elfique !
Fontana di Ghiaccio Elfica RARA!
ZELDAME Elven IJsfontein!
RARE Elfige Eisfontäne!
NADÄ°RE Elf Buz ÇeÅŸmesi!

(DIAMOND) RARE Inuit Outfit!
Not sure if you can handle the cold this winter? We think you'll stay toasty in this outfit. Rare and never to be sold again!

X2010 (badge)
Rare Inuit Outfit

Code: clothing_r20_inuit
Name: Inuit Outfit

¡RARO Traje Inuit!
RARO Visual Inuit!
HARVINAINEN Inuiitti-asu!
RARE Tenue d'Inuit !
Outfit Inuit RARO!
ZELDZAAM Inuit Outfit!
RARE Inuit Outfit!
NADİRE Inuit Kıyafeti!

(DIAMOND) NEW: Enchanted Winter Forest Furni!
Things have gotten a bit chilly in Habbo. That can only mean one thing... SNOW! Lose yourself in the wonders of the Enchanted Winter Forest. New furni line available now!

Enchanted Winter Forest Furni

NUEVO: Furnis de Invierno Bosque Encantado
NOVO: Mobis Floresta Nórdica Encantada!
UUTTA: Lumotun talvimetsän kamat!
NOUVEAU : Mobis Forêt d'hiver Enchantée !
NUOVI: Furni Foresta Invernale Incantata!
NIEUW: Winter Toverbos-meubi
YENÄ°: Büyülü Kış Orman Mobilyaları!

(DIAMOND) NEW: Rune Rocks!
Rune Rocks are here! Note that Rune Rocks have a special ability - once you've cracked it into a coloured one, you can continue cracking it until you get the colour you want!

Rune Rock

Code: xmas_c20_runerock
Name: Rune Rock
Price: 4 credits + 10 diamonds

Code: xmas_c20_runerockblue
Name: Blue Rune Rock

Code: xmas_c20_runerockgreen
Name: Green Rune Rock

Code: xmas_c20_runerockpurple
Name: Purple Rune Rock

Code: xmas_c20_runerockred
Name: Pink Rune Rock

Code: xmas_c20_runerockyellow
Name: Yellow Rune Rock

Code: xmas_c20_smallrunestones
Name: Rune Stones

¡NUEVO: Rocas Rúnicas!
NOVO: Pedras Rúnicas!
UUTTA: Riimukivet!
NOUVEAU : Roches runiques !
NUOVE: Rocce Runiche!
NIEUW: Runenstenen!
NEU: Runensteine!
YENİ: Rune Kayaları!

(DIAMOND) RARE Enchanted Sword!
Are you the chosen one who will pull the sword from the stone? Give it a try and you might get a sword out of it! Rare and never to be sold again!

X2011 (badge)
Rare Enchanted Sword

Code: xmas_r20_magicsword
Name: Enchanted Sword

¡RARO Espada Encantada!
RARO Espada Encantada!
HARVINAINEN Lumottu miekka!
RARE Épée Enchantée !
Spada Incantata RARA!
ZELDZAAM Betoverd Zwaard!
RARE Zauberschwert!
NADÄ°RE Büyülü Kılıç!

(DIAMOND) RARE Dragonfly Wings!
We think these wings are pretty elegant. The best part is you can pull them off at any time of the year! Rare and never to be sold again!

X2009 (badge)
Rare Dragonfly Wings

Code: clothing_r20_dragonflywings
Name: Dragonfly Wings

¡RARO Alas de Libélula!
RARO Asas Libélula!
HARVINAISET Sudenkorennon siivet!
RARE Ailes de libellule !
Ali di Libellula RARE!
ZELDZAAM Libellevleugels!
RARE Libellenflügel!
NADÄ°RE Yusufçuk Kanatları!

(DIAMOND) Himalayan Yak LTD!
Kinda like a cow. But not. It's a Yak, folks!

X2013 (badge)
Himalayan Yak LTD

Code: xmas_ltd20_yak
Name: Himalayan Yak

LTD Yak del Himalaya
Iaque do Himalaia LTD!
Himalajan jakkihärkä LTD!
Yak de l'Himalaya LTD !
Yak dell'Himalaya LTD!
Himalaya Jak LTD!
Himalaya Jak LTD!
Himalaya Yak LTD!

(I) New Year 2021:

(DIAMOND) RARE Lavish Perfume Credit Furni
It's true what they say, the luxury perfumes really do smell better. (This is rare and never to be sold again!)

Code: CF_750_perfume
Name: Lavish Perfume

RARO Furni de Crédito Perfume Fastuoso
RARO CÂMBIO Perfume de Luxo
HARVINAINEN Ylellinen parfyymi-kolesetti
Magot RARE Pafum de Luxe
Profumo Lussuoso Furni di Credito RARO
ZELDZAAM: Luxe parfum kredietmeubi
RARE Verschwenderisches Parfüm Talermöbel
NADÄ°RE Cömert Parfüm Kredi Mobisi

(DIAMOND) New Year Facemask Boxes
The humble mask is making a comeback in Habbo! Get a random coloured one from one of these boxes! (Rare and never to be sold again.)

December 26 (24 hours) and December 28 (24 hours)

New Year Facemasks

Code: ny_r20_crackable
Name: 2021 Facemask Gift Box

Code: clothing_r20_mask1
Name: Spotty Facemask

Code: clothing_r20_mask2
Name: Floral Facemask

Code: clothing_r20_mask3
Name: Gold Facemask

Code: clothing_r20_mask4
Name: Green Facemask

Code: clothing_r20_mask5
Name: Kitty Facemask

Code: clothing_r20_mask6
Name: My Love Facemask

Code: clothing_r20_mask7
Name: Grinning Facemask

Code: clothing_r20_mask8
Name: Blue Striped Facemask

Cajas Mascarillas de Año Nuevo
Caixas Máscaras de Ano Novo
Uuden vuoden maskipaketit
Boîtes de Masques du Nouvel An
Scatole Mascherine Capodanno
Nieuwjaar Maskerdozen
Neujahrsgesichtsmasken Boxen
Yeni Yıl Yüz Maskesi Kutuları

(DIAMOND) RARE Gold Accessory Pack
NEW: eight gold accessories. Get ALL of them when you purchase one of the new rare Gold Accessory Packs!

Code: clothing_goldhatpack1
Name: Golden Hat Pack v.1

RARO serie accesorios dorados
Packs de Acessórios Dourados RAROS
HARVINAINEN Kultaiset asusteet-paketti
Pack RARE Accessoires Dorés
Pacco Accessori Dorati RARO
Zeldzame Gouden Accessoires Pakket
RARE Pack mit goldenen Accessoires
NADİRE Altın Aksesuar Paketi

We've added BRAND NEW HC gifts to the Catalogue - go and check them all out today!

December 28

Code: hc21_1
Name: Smart Phone Dock

Code: hc21_2
Name: Smart Shower

Code: hc21_3
Name: Transporter

Code: hc21_4
Name: Robot Butler

Code: hc21_5
Name: Sensory Deprivation Tank

Code: hc21_6
Name: Smart Desk

Code: hc21_7
Name: Smart Microwave

Code: hc21_8
Name: Smart Bed

Code: hc21_9
Name: Massage Chair

Code: hc21_10
Name: Holographic Computer

Code: hc21_11
Name: Smart Fridge

Code: hc21_12
Name: Hot Tub

¡NUEVOS regalos HC!
NOVOS Presentes HC!
UUDET HC lahjat!
Regali HC NUOVI!
NIEUWE HC Cadeaus!
NEUE HC-Geschenke!
YENÄ° HC Hediyeleri!

(DIAMOND) CLASSIC New Years Furni!
To celebrate the end of 2020, we've put a stack of classic Habbo New Years furni back in the Catalogue. Enjoy!

December 26

Code: year2021
Name: 2021 NY Countdown

Classic New Years Furni

¡CLÁSICOS furnis de Año Nuevo!
Mobis CLÁSSICOS de Ano Novo!
KLASSINEN uudenvuoden tavara!
Les CLASSIQUES du Nouvel An !
Furni Anno Nuovo CLASSICI
CLASSIC Nieuwjaarsmeubi!
KLASSISCHE Neujahrsmöbel!
KLASİK Yeni Yıl Mobileri!

(DIAMOND) Old VIP posters
For a very, very limited time only we are bringing back a selection of old Habbo VIP posts. Don't miss out on this unprecedented opportunity!

December 27

Pósteres VIP Vintage
Pôsters VIP antigos
Vanhat VIP julisteet
Anciens Posters VIP
Vecchi poster VIP
Oude VIP posters
Alte VIP-Poster
Eski VIP posterler

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