NEW: Victorian Crime Scene Bundle
Solving crimes, old school style. Antiques, curiosities and classic vibes all round! Built by BIBI983 (.FR)
(DIAMOND) Release date: 03/05
199 credits
90 credits + 90 diamonds
SHL05 (badge)
Victorian Crime Scene Bundle
(DIAMOND) Includes the following items: (DIAMOND)
Code: val13_grass
Name: Grass Patch
Code: antique_c21_lamp
Name: Dusty Old Lamp
Code: romantique_smalltabl*5
Name: Black Tray Table
Code: pirate_stage3
Name: Ship Side
Code: xmas_c16_woodtile
Name: Citadel Tile
Code: antique_c21_birdcage
Name: Crow in a Cage
Code: antique_c21_detectiveposter
Name: Solver of Mysteries
Code: rainyday_c20_typewriter
Name: Poet's Typewriter
Code: wildwest_light
Name: Lantern pole
Code: antique_c21_pennyfarthing
Name: Bike of your Dreams
Code: wf_act_match_to_sshot
Name: WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position & State
Code: hween_c18_bloodfloorstreak
Name: Blood on the Floor
Code: xmas11_elewood
Name: Cabin Stone and Wood Tiles
Code: attic15_oillamp
Name: Oil Lamp
Code: hween10_jar
Name: Fireflies Jar
Code: attic15_box
Name: Cardboard Box
Code: antique_c21_medicinebag
Name: Investigator's Medkit
Code: antique_c21_books
Name: Crime Novel Collection
Code: hween_c19_stonewall
Name: Stone Wall
Code: china_c21_orangebasket
Name: Basket of Oranges
Code: antique_c21_mysterypie
Name: Soul Food
Code: antique_c21_wallclock
Name: Tick Tock Influencer
Code: xmas11_woodfloor
Name: Cabin Wooden Floor
Code: pirate_crate
Name: Crate
Code: xmas_c17_pillar
Name: Victorian Cornerstone
Code: pirate_stage2
Name: Ship Corner
Code: hween_c16_bar
Name: Marble Bar
Code: hween_c20_madpaper
Name: Obsessive's Scribblings
Code: wildwest_crate
Name: Wooden Crate
Code: hween_c16_bkcase
Name: Mahogany Bookcase
Code: easter_c18_ivybeam
Name: Ivy Beam
Code: easter_c18_hangingplant
Name: Hanging Plant
Code: hween_c19_bewitchedchair
Name: Witch Armchair
Code: hween_c19_claddedwall
Name: Witch Wall
Code: stories_sch_book
Name: Book of wisdom
Code: wf_trg_state_changed
Name: WIRED Trigger: Furni State Is Changed
Code: china_c21_vase
Name: Fine Oriental Vase
Code: xmas_c16_deskcandles
Name: Desk Candles
Code: hween_c20_secretbkshelf
Name: Hidden Door
Code: army_c15_compass
Name: Compass
Code: bazaar_c17_basket
Name: Bazaar Basket
Code: antique_c21_oldenrug
Name: Study Rug
Code: jungle_c16_sacks
Name: Scavenged Supplies
Code: suncity_c19_glasswall
Name: Sunlight City Wall
Code: antique_c21_armchair
Name: High Backed Chesterfield
Code: det_body
Name: Chalk Outline
Code: xmas_c18_souvenir
Name: Winter City Souvenirs
Code: hween_c20_vwall
Name: Corridor Wall
Code: antique_c21_doorteleport
Name: Number 221H
Code: xmas_c17_smallpavement
Name: Versatile Victorian Block
Code: xmas_c16_deskitems
Name: Office Clutter
Code: jungle_c16_pot
Name: Hanging Herbs
Code: hween09_floor
Name: Creaky Floor
Code: xmas_c18_food
Name: Winter City Sweets
Code: xmas_c16_wall
Name: Citadel Wall
Code: bookpile
Name: Book pile
Code: antique_c21_magnifyinglass
Name: This is Evidence
Code: antique_c21_desk
Name: Novelist's Writing Desk
NUEVO: Escena del Crimen Victoriana
NOVO: Pack Cena do Crime Vitoriano
UUTUUS: Viktoriaaninen rikospaikka -huonepaketti
NOUVEAU : Pack Scène de crime Victorienne
NUOVO: Affare Stanza Scena del Crimine Vittoriana
Nieuw: Victoriaanse Plaats Delict Bundel
NEU: Viktorianischer Tatort Bündel
YENİ: Viktorian Suç Mahalli Paketi