Seven bundles are returning to Habbo in the month of May!
(DIAMOND) Celestial Bundle
We're extremely happy to present the 100% exclusive Celestial Bundle! Comes with exclusive badge.
99 credits
45 credits + 45 diamonds
Code: celestial_c21_lamp
Name: Celestial Constellation Lamp
MLB02 (badge)
Celestial Bundle
¡Lote Celestial
Pack Celestial
Taivaallinen huonepaketti
Appart Céleste
Affare Stanza Celestiale
Hemelse Bundel
Himmlisches Bündel
Bulutların Üzerinde Oda Paketi
(DIAMOND) Haunted Library Bundle
There's something distinctly spooky about this library. Exclusive badge included! Room made by Frission (COM)
Part 1
Part 2
199 credits
90 credits + 90 diamonds
MLB04 (badge)
Haunted Library Bundle
Lote Bliblioteca Encantada
Pack Biblioteca Assombrada
Kirjastossa kummittelee-huonepaketti
Pack Bibliothèque hantée
Affare Stanza Biblioteca Stregata
Bespookte Bibliotheek Bundel
Verhexte Bücherei Bündel
Perili Kütüphane Paketi
(DIAMOND) Evil Frank's Office Bundle
This bundle contains a selection of the new Ghost Hunter furni AND an exclusive Evil Frank Bust!
99 credits
45 credits + 45 diamonds
Code: hween_c16_bust
Name: Evil Frank Bust
MLB10 (badge)
Evil Frank's Office Bundle
Lote Despacho de Evil Frank
Pack Escritório do Frank Espectral
Pahis-Frankin toimisto
Pack Bureau de Franck Diabolique
Affare Stanza Ufficio di Frank Demoniaco
Kwaadaardige Franks Kantoor Bundel
Bösartiger Franks Bürobündel
Şeytani Frank'in Ofisi Oda Paketi
(DIAMOND) Infected Laboratory Bundle
Get a ton of the Infected Laboratory furni at a GREAT price with this bundle. Double the size, double the value! Includes exclusive badge.
Part 1
Part 2
199 credits
90 credits + 90 diamonds
MLB11 (badge)
Infected Laboratory Bundle
Lote Laboratorio Infectado
Pack Laboratório Tóxico
Infektoitunut laboratorio-huonepaketti
Laboratoire Infecté
Affare Stanza Laboratorio Infetto
Geïnfecteerde Laboratorium Bundel
Verseuchtes Labor-Bündel
Enfekte Laboratuvar Paketi
(DIAMOND) Superhero Smuggler's Bundle
Plan your next strike against the bad guys with this awesome new bundle. Contains an EXCLUSIVE poster and badge, too!
99 credits
45 credits + 45 diamonds
Code: super_c16_pstrlove
Name: Superheroes in Love
MLB12 (badge)
Superhero Smuggler's Bundle
Lote Héroe del Contrabando
Pack Hab Carverna
Supersankari-salakuljettajan paketti
Affare Stanza del Supereroe Contrabbandiere
Superheld Smokkelaarsbundel
Superheld Schmuggler Bündel
Süper Kahraman Kaçakçı Oda Paketi
(DIAMOND) Chess Set Bundle
Don't pass up this unparalleled opportunity to own an ENTIRE Habbo chess set!
99 credits
45 credits + 45 diamonds
MLB14 (badge)
Chess Set Bundle
Lote Partida de Ajedrez
Pack Xeque-Mate
Pack Échec et Mat
Affare Stanza Scacchiera
Schaakset Bundel
Satranç Takımı Oda Paketi
(DIAMOND) Steampunk Room Bundle
The most famous Habbo Explorer came from the future to show us these amazing artifacts.
99 credits
45 credits + 45 diamonds
MLB15 (badge)
Steampunk Room Bundle
Lote de Sala Steampunk
Pack Steampunk
Pack Salle Steampunk
Affare Stanza Steampunk
Steampunk Kamerbundel
Steampunk Raumbündel
Steampunk Oda Paketi