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Habbo Statistics 2024

With another year underway, we can finally present the Habbo Statistics 2024. This is a numerical summary of what the community generated in the hotel in the previous year, such as new avatars, rooms and groups. It is a thermometer of how Habbo is evolving year after year.

In 2024, Sulake returned to its origins and opened three hotels in the original version of Habbo, in the three languages ​​in which the community is most popular: English, Spanish and Portuguese. The announcement of Habbo Hotel: Origins generated a great repercussion worldwide, and attracted thousands of users back to Habbo, which soon abandoned it once again. But the impact on the main Habbo community remained.

These hotels, however, will not be considered for analysis, just like the Habbo NFT, since they are different products, with different mechanisms and for different audiences. However, one of the objectives of the strategies that Sulake applies to Habbo's image is to foster its main community, and therefore, knowing them is essential to understanding the numbers.

How does Puhekupla collect data?

The main source of data is the Habbo Web API, where information about users, groups and rooms can be found. However, we can use any relevant resource to validate or complement the data found, in order to guarantee the reliability of the results.

Each item registered in Habbo contains an identifier number, set to 1 for the first record, and incremented in the natural order of the numbers for each new record. In addition to the identifier number, the record also keeps the date and time in which it was generated. The time zone corresponds to that which applies to the main city of the country where each hotel is based. Therefore, our mission is to search for the first and last record of the year and calculate the difference based on the identifier number.


Habbo returned to its downward trend in registered avatars in 2024. The decrease compared to the previous year was 62.11%, representing a total of 2,097,597 new avatars. This drop, however, was expected after an unexplained explosion of registrations observed in Habbo US and Habbo ES in 2023.

 HotelTotalOscillation (%),523▼ 27,5
Habbo.de56,521▼ 0,18
Habbo.es629,869▼ 82,07
Habbo.fi26,555▲ 13,30
Habbo.fr144,328▲ 2,89
Habbo.it45,820▼ 7,7
Habbo.nl81,984▲ 52,13,397▼ 6,03
Habbo.com472,600▼ 43,83

A single email address allows the user to register multiple avatars if they so wish. In May, the avatar limit per email address was reduced to 5, with the possibility of expanding it to up to 10 for Habbo Club members. Previously, any user, whether a Habbo Club member or not, could register up to 50 avatars under their email address.


Group sales have been on the rise at Habbo. With a total of 56,739 groups sold, this represents a 16.36% increase compared to 2023 – meaning users spent 567,390 coins. Habbo TR was the only hotel that followed a reverse trend, while Habbo NL saw the biggest increase.

 HotelTotalOscillation (%),187▲ 23,28
Habbo.de2,780▲ 25,39
Habbo.es1,2591▲ 10,23
Habbo.fi1,262▲ 39,60
Habbo.fr3,268▲ 33,77
Habbo.it1,258▲ 32
Habbo.nl2,994▲ 49,1,871▼ 18
Habbo.com11,528▲ 13,45


Room creations have seen a similar decline to the decline in avatars. With 2,760,802 rooms created, the decline was 42,38% compared to 2023. The decline was most pronounced in Habbo ES, with Habbo NL once again performing best.

 HotelTotalOscillation (%),353▼ 22,1
Habbo.de83,868▲ 6,94
Habbo.es854,175▼ 65,58
Habbo.fi36,387▲ 9,48
Habbo.fr155,170▲ 9,42
Habbo.it69,276▼ 10,65
Habbo.nl111,944▲ 31,07,405▼ 3,77
Habbo.com571,224▼ 28,01

Limited Edition Rares

Users spent a total of 6,456,500 coins to purchase 9,915 items out of the 19,250 that were made available by Habbo in the catalog. The sales rate was 51.51% (in 2023, it was 64.68%).

  Hotel Items sold Coins spent Selling Rate (%) 2,196 1,440,750 79.85 873 548,500 41.28 1,651 1,157,500 48.77 265 170,000 41.73 567 349,250 38.31 498 324,750 39.21 688 412,000 46.49 456 282,250 23.94 2721 1,771,500 64.33

The best sales rates have historically belonged to Habbo US, which has now been surpassed by Habbo BR, which once had the worst sales rates. This last position is now occupied by Habbo TR.


SnowStorm also continues to lose active players. On average, there are 907 active players per week, representing a decrease of 15.63% compared to 2023. The peak audience occurred in the week 25, between June 17 and 23, with 2,310 active players. The date coincides with the announcement of Habbo Hotel: Origins.

  Hotel Best Audience Worst Audience Average Players 1008 211 435 51 4 22 841 100 210 54 7 19 54 8 22 150 11 40 172 0 23 88 4 24 207 50 111

Of the 52 weeks of the year, Habbo BR led in 51. Only in week number 42, between October 14 and 20, did it come in second, when the lead was held by Habbo ES.

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