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Sulake Appoints Antti Viitanen SVP New Revenue for Habbo Hotel

Sulake, the parent company of Habbo Hotel, the world\'s largest social game and online community for teenagers at 10 million monthly unique users, today announced the appointment of Antti Viitanen as SVP New Revenue for Habbo Hotel. Viitanen will join the Sulake management team and report directly to CEO Paul LaFontaine.

With over 20 years of experience working for several different media and mobile services companies in Europe, Viitanen is an expert in product strategy and product management. Previously, Viitanen was Product Management and Business Development Director at Digia, a worldwide information and communication technology solution provider. Prior to Digia, Antti worked in Real Networks, Yahoo! Mobile, TeliaSonera, Sonera Zed, and Alma Media in various product management, product strategy and line management roles.

“Sulake has been changing its business strategy considerably during Q1 2012 by moving the Habbo audience across platforms and opening up the Habbo platform to third party developers. We are pleased to get such an experienced leader as Antti on board to head the New Revenue projects. Antti’s international experience in the field of product strategy and product management fits perfectly in the new role,” says Paul LaFontaine, CEO of Sulake.

In his role as SVP New Revenue, Viitanen will take charge of Sulake’s business intelligence unit, third party games and mobile projects and ad sales.

“I look forward to working for the pioneer company of online communities as they expand their platform offering to include mobile, social media and other forms of online entertainment,” comments Viitanen.

6 replies on “Sulake Appoints Antti Viitanen SVP New Revenue for Habbo Hotel”

sorry, bad quote.... However,

Did i miss this?
\" opening up the Habbo platform to third party developers.\"

Solo una aportación para tus lectores con respecto a herramientas de traduccion:

Cuando no se trata de traducciones formales, particularmente prefefiero utilizar en lugar del traductor de Google porque traduce tanto con Google como con MIcrosoft.
Como sabemos ningún traductor es perfecto y al menos así tenemos dos propuestas de traduccion.
Saludos desde Montecarlo en Costa Rica

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