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New Achievements!

New Achievements Bunny:

badge_name_ACH_BunnyDepressed=Bored Bunny Owner
badge_desc_ACH_BunnyDepressed=I tried to cheer up the Bored Bunny!

badge_name_ACH_BunnyEvil=Evil Bunny Owner
badge_desc_ACH_BunnyEvil=I tried to tame the evil bunny!

badge_name_ACH_BunnyLove=Manic Bunny Owner
badge_desc_ACH_BunnyLove=I captured the heart of the Manic Love Bunny!

badge_name_ACH_BunnyCollector=Bunny Collector
badge_desc_ACH_BunnyCollector=I collected the three new Easter Bunnies. Oh yeah.

7 replies on “New Achievements!”

No: Nice - When u have 106 coins left.

Black rabbit = 66 coins, because 666 is the number of the devil.
Brown rabbit = Uhm... like old rares. Nothing much. I think they\'re just setting the prize like other pets.
Pin rabbit = They know it\'s too hard to sell it, unless it\'s discount >:D Else, it\'s because... it\'s cloning! Powpowpow...


Not 30c. Black ones are 66c each (satan 666?)
brown ones are 25c and pink are 5c. White rabbits are the normal 10c.

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