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Quest Monster Plant [UPDATE]

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New Codes:
quests.monsterplants.1336392370797.completed=His teeth don\'t look that bad, for a monstrous troll at least.
quests.monsterplants.1337076608561.hint=It\'s a Monster Plant Fashion show! Line up all the different Monster Plant nose types in the same room! Tip 1: ask your friends for help Tip 2: you only need to be present in the room to complete up noses The Mustache!
quests.monsterplants.1337075970142.desc=Line up all the different Monster Plant forms in a room
quests.monsterplants.1336126639592.desc=Breed your Monster Plant with another!
quests.monsterplants.1336384585060.completed=Yay! It tickles a bit when you kiss them, just so you know.
quests.monsterplants.1336130481850.hint=Breed your Monster Plant so, that the outcome seed is of rarity level 3 or higher.
quests.monsterplants.1337076193390.desc=Line up all the different Monster Plant eyes in a room
quests.monsterplants.1336390885903.desc=Find a Monster Plant with lots of eyes!
quests.monsterplants.1337075207545.desc=Find all the Monster Plant Noses
quests.monsterplants.1336131144565.completed=Yay! Your plant is feeling better and better all the time! Some Love
quests.monsterplants.1336988247020.desc=Find all the different Monster Plant forms
quests.monsterplants.1336126639592.hint=Monster Plants can get very lonely :( Go ahead and breed a Monster Plant to give them some company! You can either breed your Monster Plant together with a friend\'s Monster Plant, OR you can breed 2 of your own grown Monster Plants together.
quests.monsterplants.1336384585060.hint=Find a Monster Plant with a nose with mustache under it.
quests.monsterplants.1336126798248.hint=Breed your Monster Plant so that the outcome seed is of rarity level 1 or higher.
quests.monsterplants.1337077851284.desc=Find all the Monster Plant colors.
quests.monsterplants.1337075207545.hint=Find all of the different Monster Plant Nose types.
Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. a Monster!
quests.monsterplants.1337065193114.completed=How many eyes does it take to see that beauty lies within? Some Love II Formal Line-Up
quests.monsterplants.1336982557533.hint=Take care of plants, and make them feel better, by treating them. The more the nurtured plant needs care, the more the quest will move towards completion.
Plants need to be lvl7 or higher.
quests.monsterplants.1336384056534.completed=They may look short and squat, but they\'re really quite pleasant to watch TV with. They hate golf though, they really hate golf.
quests.monsterplants.1336982557533.desc=Nurture Monster Plants over rarity lvl7.
quests.monsterplants.1336982557533.desc=Nurture Monster Plants over rarity lvl7. Eyes Have It!
quests.monsterplants.1337077851284.hint=Find all of the different Monster Plant colors. Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. Of Madness Searchers
quests.monsterplants.1336126798248.completed=Nice one! You\'ve made something beautiful here. So, very, beautiful and yet still so ghastly... Nosey
quests.monsterplants.1337075054669.hint=Find all of the different Monster Plant mouth types.
Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. Eyes Have It!
quests.monsterplants.1336392370797.desc=Find a Monster Plant with funny Teeth
quests.monsterplants.1337076302561.hint=It\'s a Monster Plant Fashion show! Line up all the different Monster Plant mouth types in the same room!
Tip 1: ask your friends for help
Tip 2: you only need to be present in the room to complete
quests.monsterplants.1336384585060.desc=Find a Monster Plant with a mustache under it\'s nose!
quests.monsterplants.1336131144565.hint=Take care of your plant by treating it. The more the nurtured plant needs care, the more the quest will move towards completion.
Plants need to be lvl3 or higher.
quests.monsterplants.1336126639592.completed=Yay! It looks like you got a seed, and your Monster Plant doesn\'t look too sad anymore.
quests.monsterplants.1336131365579.completed=Aww! Even ugly Monster Plants need love, actually they probably need more love, on account of their sheer ugliness. Thankfully, they have hearts of gold, at least according to the last autopsy report...
quests.monsterplants.1337075054669.desc=Find all the Monster Plant Mouths
quests.monsterplants.1336988247020.hint=Find all of the different Monster Plant forms.
Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. Some Love IV
quests.monsterplants.1336390885903.hint=Find a Monster Plant with lots of eyes!

Hint: eyes #5 in intra.
quests.monsterplants.1337076193390.hint=It\'s a Monster Plant Fashion show! Line up all the different Monster Plant eye types in the same room!
Tip 1: ask your friends for help
Tip 2: you only need to be present in the room to complete
quests.monsterplants.1336983759094.hint=Time to go hunting for Monster Plants! Find a Phoenicus-colored (=pink) Monster Plant!
quests.monsterplants.1337076608561.desc=Line up all the different Monster Plant noses in a room A Mouthful
quests.monsterplants.1337077851284.completed=You looked high, you looked low, you looked tired and you looked fully refreshed after a cat-nap, and you found them all! Excellent job, space-cadet!
quests.monsterplants.1337075970142.hint=It\'s a Monster Plant Fashion show! Line up all the different Monster Plant forms in the same room!
Tip 1: ask your friends for help
Tip 2: you only need to be present in the room to complete
quests.monsterplants.1336384056534.desc=Find a Monster Plant of the Stumpy breed
quests.monsterplants.1336129853166.hint=Monster Plants are really tetchy about their appearance. Treat and tend your plant to make it feel better about itself. The more the nurtured plant needs care, the more the quest will move towards completion.
quests.monsterplants.1337075054669.completed=The eyes may be the window to the soul, but the mouth is the loud-speaker. Me Mad Monsters III Some Love III
quests.monsterplants.1336392370797.hint=Find a funny-toothed Monster Plant!
quests.monsterplants.1336983759094.desc=Find a Phoenicus-colored Monster Plant! Eye For Detail
quests.monsterplants.1337076193390.completed=Nicely done. Contrary to popular belief, Monster Plants are not radioactive, they just look it. Ramblers
quests.monsterplants.1336126798248.desc=Breed a Monster Plant of rarity lvl1
quests.monsterplants.1336129853166.desc=Treat your plants to keep them happy and alive!
quests.monsterplants.1337065193114.desc=Find all the Monster Plant Eyes. A Stumpy
quests.monsterplants.1337076302561.completed=Wow, those Plants must have sky high dental insurance premiums!
quests.monsterplants.1336982557533.completed=If you want to make your Monster Plant really happy, don\'t bring up touchy subjects with it in the room, like physical beauty, the price of cat litter and the possibility of Armageddon.
quests.monsterplants.1336384056534.hint=Find (and click) on a Stumpy-shaped Monster Plant.
quests.monsterplants.1336130481850.desc=Breed a Monster Plant of rarity lvl3
quests.monsterplants.1336130481850.completed=Excellent! You\'re really climbing the ladder and becoming a formidable plant breeder!
quests.monsterplants.1336131144565.desc=Nurture Monster Plants over rarity lvl3
quests.monsterplants.1336131365579.hint=Take care and make Monster Plants happy by treating them. The more the nurtured plant needs care, the more the quest will move towards completion. Your Lip Gloss
quests.monsterplants.1337075970142.completed=They look so smart all lined up! It reminds me of my prom night, playing video games... Monsters II
quests.monsterplants.1336983759094.completed=You found one! Did you say hello to it? Did you promise to come back and see it again? Did you flick frozen peas at it? For shame!
quests.monsterplants.1337065193114.hint=Find all of the different Monster Plant Eye types. Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion.
quests.monsterplants.1337075207545.completed=You know what they say about plants with big noses? Nothing, they say nothing.
quests.monsterplants.1336129853166.completed=A well treated plant is a happy plant, and these plants certainly need all the love they can get!
quests.monsterplants.1337076302561.desc=Line up all the different Monster Plant mouths in a room
quests.monsterplants.1336988247020.completed=As we known, beauty comes in many forms, from the twisty to the stumpy. Who is to say what true beauty is in this day and age?
quests.monsterplants.1336131365579.desc=Nurture Monster Plants over rarity lvl5

New Achievements:

ACH_MonsterPlantQuestCompleted1 - ACH_MonsterPlantQuestCompleted10

ACH_MonsterPlantShapeCollector1 - ACH_MonsterPlantShapeCollector10

ACH_MonsterPlantTreater1 - ACH_MonsterPlantTreater5

ACH_MonsterPlantColorCollector1 - ACH_MonsterPlantColorCollector10

New Codes:

badge_name_ACH_MonsterPlantHealer=Monster Plant Healer %roman%
badge_name_ACH_MonsterPlantColorCollector=Monster Plant Color Collector %roman%
badge_desc_ACH_MonsterPlantShapeCollector=For collecting %limit% Monster Plant Shapes
badge_desc_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantGardenOfDeath=%realname% has killed a Monster Plant (again)!
badge_name_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantShapeCollector=%realname% is a Monster Plant Shape Collector %roman%
badge_desc_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantTreater=%realname% has treated a Monster Plant!
badge_desc_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantColorCollector=%realname% has collected a new Monster Plant Color!
badge_desc_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantHealer=%realname% has healed a Monster Plant!
badge_desc_ACH_MonsterPlantColorCollector=For collecting %limit% Monster Plant Colors
badge_desc_ACH_MonsterPlantBreeder=For breeding %limit% Monster Plants
badge_name_ACH_MonsterPlantQuestCompleted=Monster Plant Quester %roman%
badge_name_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantColorCollector=%realname% is a Monster Plant Color Collector %roman%
badge_desc_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantBreeder=%realname% has breeded a Monster Plant!
badge_desc_ACH_MonsterPlantTreater=For treating %limit% Monster Plants
badge_desc_ACH_MonsterPlantGardenOfDeath=For killing %limit% Monster Plants
badge_desc_ACH_MonsterPlantHealer=For healing %limit% Monster Plants
badge_desc_ACH_MonsterPlantUnluckyGardener=For failing %limit% times to get the seed when breeding Monster Plants
badge_desc_ACH_MonsterPlantQuestCompleted=For completing %limit% Monster Plant quests
badge_desc_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantShapeCollector=%realname% has collected a new Monster Plant shape!
badge_name_ACH_MonsterPlantGardenOfDeath=Gardener of Death %roman%
badge_name_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantBreeder=%realname% is a Monster Plant Breeder %roman%
badge_name_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantUnluckyGardener=%realname% is a Monster Plant Unlucky Gardener %roman%
badge_name_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantQuestCompleted=%realname% is a Monster Plant quester %roman%
badge_name_ACH_MonsterPlantBreeder=Monster Plant Breeeder %roman%
badge_name_ACH_MonsterPlantTreater=Monster Plant Treater %roman%
badge_name_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantHealer=%realname% is a Monster Plant Healer %roman%
badge_name_ACH_MonsterPlantShapeCollector=Monster Plant Shape Collector %roman%
badge_desc_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantUnluckyGardener=%realname% has failed to get a seed from Monster Plant!
badge_name_ACH_MonsterPlantUnluckyGardener=Unlucky Gardener %roman%
badge_desc_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantQuestCompleted=%realname% has completed a Monster Plant quest!
badge_name_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantTreater=%realname% is a Monster Plant Treater %roman%
badge_name_fb_ACH_MonsterPlantGardenOfDeath=%realname% is a Monster Plant Gardener of Death %roman%

8 replies on “Quest Monster Plant [UPDATE]”

That upper VII lvl badge - USSR :D

\"We here in Sulake have decided respect our fallen east neighbour USSR\"

[b]Lol, watch this image:[/b]
[url=]First image[/url]

[b]And now this image:[/b]
[url=]Second image[/url]

Go look [url=][/url] :D It\'s a pet... with [b]alot of extras[/b] >_< That... cost a bank of squids to get... That\'s [i]alot[/i].

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