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New pets + New game! [UPD2]

New codes for new pets:

[\"a0 pet21\",\"Good Pigeon and starter food\",\"Good Pigeon and starter food\"]
[\"a0 pet22\",\"Evil Pigeon and starter food\",\"Evil Pigeon and starter food\"]

Source: Habbos and FaHD

New game:
Fast Food?

Thanks to Little Shorty (L) (L)

New texts:
gamecenter.leaderboard_top_scores_link=SHOW TOP SCORES >>
gamecenter.leaderboard_my_ranking_link=VIEW MY RANKING >>
gamecenter.featured_player_points=%score% points
gamecenter.achievements_title=YOUR %game% ACHIEVEMENTS
gamecenter.weekly_top_reward_desc=Has won
gamecenter.reward_header=THE PRIZE OF THE WEEK
gamecenter.leaderboard_score=%score% points
gamecenter.leaderboard_last_week_title=PREVIOUS WEEK
gamecenter.featured_player=PLAYER OF THE WEEK
gamecenter.weekly_top_title=WEEKLY TOP PLAYER PRIZE WINNER
gamecenter.basejump.description_content=Watch Out below! Use power-ups including missiles, parachutes and shields to safely deliver your food and earn great prizes! FOOD
gamecenter.previous_winner_header=PREVIOUS WINNER
gamecenter.play_now_desc.limited_games=%games_left% games left for today. Get UNLIMITED games with VIP!
gamecenter.full_leaderboard_title=%game% Leaderboard
gamecenter.snowwar.description_content=Fast paced action and frosty thrills- it\'s hit or get hit, and once the snowballs start flying only one team will reign supreme!
gamecenter.game_list_title=SELECT GAME
gamecenter.weekly_top_bubble=Try and beat me - for I am one tough cookie!
gamecenter.leaderboard_empty=Are you the best among your friends? Here you will see your leaderboard position relative to your friends this week!
gamecenter.lucky_loser_header=LUCKY PLAYERS
gamecenter.leaderboard_link=SHOW THE FULL LEADERBOARD >> STORM
gamecenter.play_now=Play now!
gamecenter.basejump.description_title=It\'s Coming Down Fast!
gamecenter.leaderboard_title=FRIEND RANKING
gamecenter.snowwar.description_title=Hit or get hit!
gamecenter.lucky_loser_description=Every week we draw winners at random from players ranked 2 - 50
gamecenter.leaderboard_this_week_title=THIS WEEK
help.emergency.global_mute.message=While on mute you cannot send help requests.
alert.close.button=Close this window more information on banning reasons, please click here
help.emergency.global_mute.caption=Message from Habbo Staff
help.emergency.global_mute.subtitle=You cannot access the help system
basejump.promotion=Play Fast Food for free!


14 replies on “New pets + New game! [UPD2]”



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