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New Achievements! [UPD]

badge_name_ACH_SafetyQuizGraduate1 Level=%roman% Safety quiz
badge_name_fb_ACH_SafetyQuizGraduate1=%realname% is a level %roman% Safety genius!
badge_desc_fb_ACH_SafetyQuizGraduate1=%realname% has accomplished the Safety quiz!
badge_instruction_ACH_SafetyQuizGraduate=Pass the Safety quiz!
badge_desc_ACH_SafetyQuizGraduate1=For passing the Safety quiz!

Badge and stuff:


9 replies on “New Achievements! [UPD]”

Looks like the second and third one are going to be linked to Facebook, hence \"fb\" and \"realname\".
This is really funny considering they are supposed to be improving safety, and Facebook is full of perverts and pedophiles.
I want to use [u]HABBO[/u] or [u]HABBO[/u] ... not [i]FACEBOOK[/i] for [u]HABBO[/u]!

Grizzlier, I totally agree with you! Habbo needs to get rid of all those social media shit, and just post all the news \'nd stuff on the Habbo site. I think its ridiculous.

Actually the \'fb_ACH\' text is for when you post it to your wall after earning the achievement. :)
It doesn\'t mean Facebook is required.


Oops! Looks like the new name isn\'t showing yet and just uses whatever you had previously selected. It\'s the badge that isn\'t loading under \'Your Profile\'. :)

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