New furnis has been found on the Sulake server.
Code: hween_c21_stonefloor
Name: Stoney Courtyard Floor
Code: hween_r21_goldenflowerscreen
Name: Golden Flower Screen
Code: hween_c21_purificationscroll
Name: Purification Scroll
Code: hween_c21_tatami
Name: Tatami Mat
Code: hween_c21_biwa
Name: Biwa
Code: hween_c21_torii
Name: Torii Gate
Code: hween_c21_chair
Name: Traditional Japanese Chair
Code: hween_c21_raindoll
Name: Teru Teru Bōzu
Code: hween_c21_kitsune
Name: Kitsune
Code: hween_c21_shojislidingdoor
Name: Sliding Shoji Door
Code: hween_c21_indoorshrine
Name: Spirit Shrine
Code: hween_c21_parasol
Name: Haunted Parasol
Code: hween_c21_shadownekomata
Name: Shadow Nekomata
Code: hween_c21_shojislidingdoor2
Name: Shoji Door
Code: hween_c21_spiderlily
Name: Spider Lily
Code: hween_c21_giantbamboo
Name: Giant Bamboo
Code: hween_c21_matchabowl
Name: Bowl of Matcha
Code: hween_c21_scrollaltar
Name: Scroll Altar (crafting table)
Code: hween_c21_shadowkappa
Name: Shadow Kappa
Code: hween_c21_futon
Name: Basic Futon
Code: hween_c21_stonetrap
Name: Mossy Stone Trap
Code: hween_c21_kotatsu
Name: Dusty Kotatsu
Code: hween_c21_kappa
Name: Kappa
Code: hween_c21_gravestone
Name: Courtyard Gravestone
Code: hween_c21_kitsunestatue
Name: Kitsune Statue
Code: hween_c21_nekomata
Name: Nekomata
Code: hween_c21_magatama
Name: Magatama
Code: hween_c21_lantern
Name: Haunted Lantern
Code: hween_c21_doll
Name: Ichimatsu Doll
Code: hween_c21_platform
Name: Creaky Platform
Code: hween_c21_natto
Name: Ghostly Natto
Code: hween_c21_tatamiplatform
Name: hween_c21_tatamiplatform name
Code: hween_c21_shojiwall
Name: Shoji Wall
Code: hween_r21_mirror
Name: Cursed Mirror
Code: hween_c21_onitriomask
Name: Oni Mask Trio
Code: hween_c21_kappapond
Name: Kappa Pond
Code: hween_c21_shadowoni
Name: Shadow Oni
Code: hween_c21_wallset
Name: Ceremonial Katanas
Code: hween_c21_shadowkitsune
Name: Shadow Kitsune
Code: hween_c21_pillarcorners
Name: Creaky Wooden Pillar
Code: hween_c21_oni
Name: Oni
Code: hween_c21_sushi
Name: Creepy Sushi
Code: hween_ltd21_pagoda
Name: Grand Pagoda
Code: hween_c21_mistymountainbg
Name: Misty Mountains