Imported News

'Improved Room Moderation' [UP1]

Habbo are soon to update room moderation which means you'll be able to ban users for a set period of time instead of for a default time, as well as this Habbo are also going to introduce a room mute feature which allows normal users to mute people within their room.

Once you click a user and then click moderate, there's two further menus called Ban and Mute.

Habbo Texts
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As pointed out by several people, Habbos will be able to select who can mute and who can ban users within their rooms.

Update 1:

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Room Settings appear for advanced 'Improved Room Moderation' as Sulake are calling it.

Thanks to Shorty (Images) & Intersocial (Texts)

14 replies on “'Improved Room Moderation' [UP1]”

[b]Hey, As again.[/b]

Pliz Sulake, make mute and kick [b]wired[/b] >_> [i](Although you can kick ppls using horse fence/hedge, BB puck and a chair AND you can mute ppls using ALOOOOT of wired: User says keyword [u]( + 40 )[/u] )[/i]

It's not clear if you must be the room owner or just a user with rights within the room.
You can set it!

navigator.roomsettings.moderation.mute.header=Who can mute:
navigator.roomsettings.moderation.kick.header=Who can kick:

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