NEW: Magic Stack Tiles!
You asked for them! We just released 3 new Magic Stack Tiles for all of your building needs. These are their sizes: 4x4, 6x6 and 8x8.
Magic Stack Tiles
Code: tile_stackmagic4x4
Name: 4x4 Stack Magic Tile
Price: 45 credits
Code: tile_stackmagic6x6
Name: 6x6 Stack Magic Tile
Price: 70 credits
Code: tile_stackmagic8x8
Name: 8x8 Stack Magic Tile
Price: 90 credits
¡NUEVO: Baldosas de Apilar Mágicas!
NOVIDADE: Novas Lajotas Mágicas!
UUTTA: Taikapinolaatat!
NOUVELLES Dalles piles magiques !
NUOVE: Caselle Impila Magic!
NIEUW: Magische Staptegels!
NEU: Magic Stapelfelder!
NEW: İstif Karoları!