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PocketHabbo is released!

PocketHabbo was released a little while ago and heres some features & pictures to go with them!

This app comes complete with: Multiple hotel selection, login with email or facebook, list of your habbo friends, chat gui so you can chat to them while they are on Habbo or their copy of PocketHabbo, Report and delete chat options, Me page with your avatar, motto, badges and groups, settings, habbo's twitter feed and a daily Advent/Gift calendar.

PocketHabbo, an app by Sulake Corporation Oy, available for the iPhone 3GS+, iPod Touch 3+ & iPad 1+. This app requires iOS 5 or higher.
You can download it here for free.

4 replies on “PocketHabbo is released!”

I bet the Android version will be released just after they finish with the daily Advent/Gift calendar, But oh well.

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