Imported News

Site update

I made some improvements to the site. All language data is now stored in the database, should be faster/ less load.

And we have a sponsor!
To stay online (no host switching or backup servers) I made a deal with our host so that's why the banner is there. You should click it, it's cheap, good service and no downtime.

30 replies on “Site update”

You should put checkboxes for which languages a user wants to see in the settings page. No need for double languages nor "all languages" option. (I'm on my Wii so had to write here :P)

Hyvä! Nyt voin katsoa uutisia saksaksi ja opin hieman lisää. ei ole kovin tunnettu merkki?

Anônimo, coloca um tradutor de notícias também, se for possível, é muito chato às vezes ficar traduzindo muita coisa. obg 1bj ahasa migahhh

[i]"Anônimo, coloca um tradutor de notícias também, se for possível, é muito chato às vezes ficar traduzindo muita coisa. obg 1bj ahasa migahhh"[/i]

Concordo ;D

Puhekupla has now a new Sponsor. ,because they don't wanted more to make every time a Hoost change.
They have now the Deal , because them , they have now a banner from they have a good servise and no offlines and it is very c

Pow, traduz as noticias mesmo, axo que todos não gostamos de ficar raduzindo as noticias.

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