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BRAND NEW: Puhekupla Profiles


As most of you probably know, Puhekupla has been around for quite a lot of years now, and it's just been all about furniture, new releases and mainly Habbo, and over the years we've asked a lot of our loyal viewers what they'd like to see here on the website, and on many occasions we've been asked about profiles.

Previously, there has been very basic profiles, which you could update your Habbo name, languages etc... ...BORING!


You can pick skins for your notes and widgets, display your Twitter feed, show off our badges that you get awarded within the site, and so much more! You can be free to express yourself, and show off your creative side, all within the one website.

We're very happy to announce profiles, as Mark has been working endlessly with me, Vado, on his back everyday working his fingers to the bone, and to this, Mark says, nothing.

We'll be adding some newer features very soon, we just wanted to release them early as a Christmas gift to all of our loyal members, we love you! :)

Not a member yet? OMGZ, why not? Register here >>

SO, what are you waiting for? Click the button below to have a look!

16 replies on “BRAND NEW: Puhekupla Profiles”

VIP's get more notes than normal users do. They also get access to the Twitter widget. But yes, more VIP only features are on their way.

Hello @all, I have a problem.
I can't activate my Account, because the activate page ist empty.

Sorry for the question in this article.

Greeting, Max1674 from german hotel.

For now, just click back on either the spanner or the arrow box to close to settings. I'll get Mark to take a look at it possibly closing, or something different. Thanks for your feedback.

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