Furni Imported News

3 new furni found


In Gold/Silver & Bronze

9 replies on “3 new furni found”

The statue is good, means eventually they will probably have a full set of CNY Animal Statues. The Wall Item, again, nice it fits in with the theme. Dunno if its just your picture but the trophy looks horrible

the proper cake trophy (without the black from the candles) is the only nice one out of these. the other 2 are lame as hell.

Starting Wednesday, make sure to visit the hotel every day for an awesome challenge for you to complete! Miss a day next week and you won't be able to get the mystery prize.

214 posts

landing.view.cny2013.body=The year of the dragon was engulfed in excitement, but it's time for the flames to die away as we slither into the next Chinese Lunar Year - The Snake! Celebrate the occasion with our Chinese New Year furni!

landing.view.cny2013.header=Slither into the Year of the Snake

landing.view.cny2013.button=Go to shop


landing.view.cnyquest.body=Got what it takes to please the legendary god of Snakes? Explore the temple, find the daily Animal Badges and maybe, just maybe you will be able to collect the Ultimate Snake Badge and the mystery prize that goes with it!

landing.view.cnyquest.body=Got what it takes to please the legendary god of Snakes? Explore the temple, find the daily Animal Badges and maybe, just maybe you will be able to collect the Ultimate Snake Badge and the mystery prize that goes with it!


landing.view.cnyquest.header=Got What it takes?.

landing.view.cnyquest2.body=Got what it takes to please the legendary god of Snakes? Explore the temple, find the daily Animal Badges and maybe, just maybe you will be able to collect the Ultimate Snake Badge and the mystery prize that goes with it! Go to the room navigator, enter the temple and read the sticky to get started.

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