Imported News

Ubergergely: Forget Illumina, it has been cancelled

Illumina has been cancelled. The guys at Sulake can't do it without Ediootti's quality assurance. :bomb:

-- Guys, forget Illumina. It has been cancelled. Ediootti is not here any more. Without Ediootti's quality assurance we cannot go forward it. The recent changes are just quick facelifts, but not polished as you can see. It's like mixture of three styles.

These were the cruel words of ubergergely today.

18 replies on “Ubergergely: Forget Illumina, it has been cancelled”

This is getting so annoying, one staff says pixels are not coming back, two days later an update that clearly shows its back / being worked on to bring back. Now again, a staff says they slowly will make the content illumina style but it's not an priority and now all of a sudden Illumina has been cancelled.

Next to that; yes, Juho was the one starting with Illumina and the WIP previews. But that's been when, february '12 we started this illumina sh*t? There's been so many pixelarts out there showing a potential Illumina interface, not only from Juho. And now because Juho left/got fired/saw this coming it just totally got cancelled?

So we have three styles now, illumina will quit and probably it will stay this way for a while (not a priority the interface they said?) than after a while a 4th style will popup. They need to quit this shit and make a choice: the style they had or illumina. Now it just sounds like only Juho could make something in "Illumina" style. The way it is now is just (atleast for me) really, really messy like they aren't able to make choices anymore and just pick them all to keep some people satisfied. Ugh -_- getting pretty sick of the same old story over and over again with different updates getting removed/'polished'/brought back/cancelled. [i]This became a longer comment than I thought it would be, lol.[/i]

Very bad. Illumina was one of the last chances to get a "good Habbo feeling" with more users. Ugly homepage, ugly interface. The optical priority should be higher than ever. Its the first thing what a new user will see. And they need more users. There are so many things who need to improve. To many...

Markku Ignatius have to do horribly big changes to get things working again.

I'm really afraid of what's going on.

What he is telling us their is no1 working with Sulake can design & code new things into habbo? ... Which this space new jobs opening onto Sulake website trying to replace him lol

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