Blogs Imported Wins "Best Fansite News"


Short and sweet today (because for me it's 3am and I have to sleep!)

Just letting everyone know that Puhekupla won "best fansite news" in the HABBO.COM fansite awards that took place on the 23rd of March 2013.

We'd just like to say thank you very much to everyone who voted, and all of the other fansites that were also in the running. Also congratulations to everyone else who won an award and all of the new fansites.

Thank you to ALL of our staff team, our news reporters, translators, staff reporters, designers.. absolutely everyone! Puhekupla wouldn't be what it is today without all of you guys. Gotta give Mark a mention.. without Mark, Puhekupla would not even be here, so, thank you Mark.

Lastly we'd like to say thank you to Habbo, for giving us inspiration to keep moving forward with our news, and to keep the fansite program running after the past year with what's happened.

Thank you everyone! We will continue to provide great news for you in 2013, long live Puhekupla!

Vado Community Manager

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