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I've got some VERY exciting news for you today!!!

As we continue to expand Puhekupla, we want to keep our lovely members involved with what's happening and what's going on in the process of it all..but now comes the chance for you to get more involved and help us during this funky time!!

Puhekupla can now introduce the name of our new project… called Project Twazzle!

We are looking for BETA testers to try out Project Twazzle!

Project Twazzle is full of fun features on the new website, including a game centre, chat rooms, mini-forums, easter egg hunts (for fun exciting things), magazines, books, music, and so much more that we can't tell you! We want you to be apart of that, and help test out all of the new features that we have available!!!!

Simply click the button below to be redirected to our special private link, to send in your Puhekupla details (name and e-mail address) to submit to help test the new Puhekupla website.

Accepted testers will get a shiny badge to wear to show everyone that they're testing the new era of Puhekupla and all of it's features. We will only be selecting a limited amount of members to join Twazzle. We cannot wait to see you online on the BETA website, Project Twazzle! So far it's looking great, I can't wait to see what it looks like when we start letting our testers in!!!

The full version of Puhekupla's Project Twazzle will be released later this year once we finish fine tuning the website. We will make sure to keep you posted, and we will be using the selected BETA testers again if needed.

Entries close April 1st. Good luck to you, and you, and you!

By Mark & Vado, Puhekupla Staff

Ha! Gotya!
Project Twazzle is one big joke. Well, not all of it because we're still working on new stuff every day. 80 Puhekupla members wanted to be a tester.. and all they got is a Puhekupla badge.. ;-)

30 replies on “PROJECT TWAZZLE 2013”

Thats good! I really always thought Puhekupla needed a chat room, so we dont have to chat on Habbo

Some say this is fake, some say it is real. Here's a good clue: - white page (its filtering certain IPs from viewing - a page does exist though) (example - 404 not found, meaning there is no page)

So, /beta works, just not showing anything (yet) ;)

Because of the 2 fool pranks I wasn't sure anymore if this was real or fake too, you got me damn. (Y)

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