Imported News

Money money money

Sulake announced today thay made more money in the first 6 months of this year they ever did before.

"Sulake, the parent company of Habbo Hotel (that's us!) today announced it's best-ever half year performance in the company's history. Our H1/2010 revenue reached €29.8 million (IFRS), a 20% increase versus 2009 first half. During the same period, the company EBITDA result improved by 63% to €3.5 million, with solidly positive operating cash flow.

Naturally, we are very excited to be able to tell great news like this. This performance is thanks to systematic work in developing our operating model, cost savings and most importantly, continuous focus on developing the Habbo Hotel product and community. We expect to continue on the same track, and have yet to fully utilize the potential of social networks as a source of growth.

Habbo Hotel serves over 15 million unique visitors from more than 150 countries in 11 different languages. Our players spend a total of 45 million hours playing Habbo Hotel each month."


9 replies on “Money money money”

"[i]This performance is thanks to systematic work in developing our operating model,[u] cost savings[/u] and most importantly, continuous focus on developing the Habbo Hotel product and community[/i] Yeah! We noticed that..

These people are retarded. 29.8mil and they still can't fix shit they haven't done. Like what it's almost been a year since trax and battleball was down. These people are a joke tbh and we're all being played. They fired half their staff... and clearly they make enough to have kept them. They're customer support is shit... Seriously. I hate sulake. Only reason I play habbo is for the people.

People who buy credits should stop, we should boycott these morons. Seriously...

4.5 MILLION hours monthly?! Wow... That almost makes me sick. We could be curing diseases, fighting poverty and proving schools and shelter for everyone throughout the world.... 4.5 million hours wasted every month, how sickening...

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