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Sulake's blog about Battle Banzai

Introducing Battle Banzai, the first User Created Social Game (UCSG)
Friday, Oct 1, 2010 / Writer: Juhani Lassila, Director PR & Communications

We're very proud to announce that Habbo Hotel has launched probably the world's first "user created social game", Battle Banzai. Apparently this is also the first time the abbreviation UCSG is used :)

Battle Banzai is a continuum to Battle Ball, a multi-player game introduced in Habbo Hotel back in 2006.

Battle Banzai is a strategy game that can be played in Habbo Hotel users' virtual rooms with four teams of up to five players. The goal is to bounce on all the tiles and capture as many as possible. If you bounce three times on one tile, it will lock so other players can't steal it. The team with the most tiles wins!

The new super-cool feature in Battle Banzai is that the players can make their own Battle Banzai Arenas with Banzai Furni (e.g. Banzai tiles, gates, scoreboards, a timer) and host their own games. The idea is to make up own rules and create the actual playing fields; the power is completely in the user's hands! That's user creation at its best :)

Highly addictive stuff, you better check it out in a Habbo Hotel nearest to you!


Looks like we're getting more games in the future!

11 replies on “Sulake's blog about Battle Banzai”

I like BB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the Football/soccer game is also FUN!!!!!!
Habbo is getting funnier

No, long time ago, another game, called roblox was created.. it's a game where users can create their OWN places/games with LUA-scripts, 3d-bricks & earn player-created badges in it. So.. I don't think it's the first UCSG ;) []Look here![/url]

I think this actually is gonna work. Cause if people make an arena. Alot of people will go to it to gain exprience points for badges. But Roblox is funnier is think. My opinion =)

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