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Sulake - CTO & CEO

Sulake's CTO, Osma Ahvenlamp,i and Sulake's CEO, Timo Soininen, wrote some stuff on in the last 2 days. What do you think?

Habbo Hotel's Record Year 2010 in numbers
Tuesday, Jan 4, 2011 / Writer: Osma Ahvenlampi, CTO

The year 2010 was a special one for Habbo Hotel as last summer we turned 10 years old. That's a respectable age for an online games product, but, we believe, only a nice beginning for our Habbo community of player-created games, activities and entertainment, as Habbo Hotel continues to grow. To mark an end to the anniversary year, we looked up some total figures, below.

Peak monthly active users, MAU: 8.7 million (December 2010, MAU=users who log in at least once a month), out of over 42.5 million unique active player characters (habbos) over the whole year, and 199 million ever registered. Most of these activities happen on the stand-alone and our local sister sites such as the Spanish-language, though the Facebook applications also are a popular access point at 2.6M MAU (out of the total above). Habbo Hotel's core audience is a relatively narrow teen demographic segment: according to Facebook Insights statistics, 51% of our users are 13-17 years old, with a further 30% falling into 18-24 segment.

Total time spent: 400 million hours played over the entire year. 16.5 million users spent over 10 hours each, and an average paying user spent 93 hours playing with their friends or creating new experiences, many of them exceeding even this number by a large margin. The most active thousand players had Habbo Hotel on their computers 10 hours per day all through the year.

Virtual items exchanged between users: 1.4 billion, about five times as many as bought from the game catalog over the year. The player-to-player marketplace is a core piece of Habbo Hotel's unique atmosphere, and many of the most popular player-created spaces are dedicated to item trading.

Average revenue per paying user: over 22€. As Habbo is free-to-play, most players do not spend money in the service. Those who do, use it primarily in order to create custom content, spaces and activities for their friends and other players. In exchange, they gather fame, respect and experience of hosting events - or simply enjoy the rich customization available through the for-pay virtual goods. 75% of all paying users find this enjoyable enough to choose to buy again at a later stage. Payment options range from 1€ one-time SMS messages to monthly credit card subscription packages.

Habbo virtual goods sales hit all-time high in December
Wednesday, Jan 5, 2011 / Writer: Timo Soininen, CEO

I am very pleased to announce that last December was the best month of Habbo Hotel ever in user metrics but also in terms of revenue: Habbo's December user revenue was 4.5M€ ($6M) from virtual goods only.

Full year 2010 was also the best ever both in user metrics and in revenue: Habbo user revenue in 2010 grew by around 25% vs 2009.

For a snapshot of pretty impressive 2010 Habbo annual metrics please see our CTO's earlier blogpost.

As the Habbo Hotel product is in great shape and we have pretty exciting new things and improvements coming out this year, we expect to grow our revenue in 2011 at the same pace and to further improve the company's profitability.

Habbo Hotel is all about users and their creativity. So, a humble Thank You to all our loyal Habbo users from all over the world - you guys make Habbo the great place it is!

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