Imported News

More info about Dutch mods


About two weeks ago I recieved an e-mail from an anonymous sender. Today I received a new e-mail which contains more information. Some of this information is not confirmed or false.

- Dutch mods will be replaced by people in Puerto Rico. Sulake took over a company in Puerto Rico which will deliver Dutch people for a lower price. (Sounds a bit weird, we should/could/can see if Sulake bought a company there..)

- There are 4 Mods in Habbo NL with a flexible contract. These 4 will still till the end of their contract. (We have some ideas who those 4 mods are).

- The Mods will not receive any gifts inside (in-game items will influence the Habbo economy..) or outside Habbo, also no message at the Habbo Homepage. Habbo does not tell us the Mods are leaving but they do tell us when there is new Staff.

- There are Mods who depend on Habbo, mostly because of personal/health problems. They can't get an other job within a month. Sulake knew for a long time they would replace the Mods, but didn't announce it until the last moment.

Again, nothing is confirmed. It would be helpful if someone knows the company Sulake bought or hired. If you find it, please leave a comment.

- Mark

14 replies on “More info about Dutch mods”

het is raar.. SuperFanta is nieuwe staff en komt gewoon uit nederland. weet iemand al iets meer?

One of those MOD's is MOD-patton. Witch is fired last week.

Like Arnii already said:
Cheap, just damn cheap..

Yes it's true that most of the Moderators from Habbo NL/BE are getting fired. Bút Sulake (well not really, Habbo NL office) announced it, well, not to all MOD's but they did announce it already to 3/4 MOD's so they had time to find new jobs. The ones that are staying till the end of there contract also know they need to applicate for a new job.

Ze hebben een nieuw tekstje gemaakt bij Bob (Bob is dat mannetje uit het gastenboek die beroemd wilt worden en gekopieerd en geplakt word) ☻/ Dit is een moderator!
/▌ Hij komt uit Costa Rica!
/ Dat is een goedkoop vakantie land!
Kopieer dit bericht en plak het en elk gasten boek! Want als je dat doet ben je tegen de nieuwe moderators♥

(LL) (LL) (LL) (LL) (LL) (LL) (LL) (LL) (LL) Sucks's Mod dom är bögar

[quote=A472] yes they have a badge but thats a costa rica mod and it gots no badge allready :P

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