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Volter font now available!

Habbo Hotel is changing, the pixels we all love and know, are now dissapearing. Sulake has now released the Volter font licence, available for you to download to your computer, and modify, study & redistributed freely.

This comes after the recent font petition we had here at Puhekupla, to bring back the old font Volter on Habbo. Puhekupla's Twitter account received a reply from Osma Ahvenlampi, the Chief Technician Officer of Sulake saying: "@Puhekupla_com I think we're gonna have to look at Volter license so that you can use it on your site...".

Well, now it's happened. Earlier today Sulake released an article on their website (link below) stating that they're releasing the Volter font, for any website to use. As long as they do not sell it on wards.

Puhekupla was even mentioned in the Sulake article, explaining what the font is, and why we want it. Along with the reason why they made the switch.
"During late 2010 it became clear that, as displays become ever-higher in resolution, a single-size pixel typeface would no longer be able to serve Habbo Hotel in all situations. Despite the love we (and some of our users, image from fansite Puhekupla) have for Volter, and the unique history it has with Habbo Hotel, we needed a new scalable font that would be legible on different display devices and resolutions. We also wanted to have the possibility to use text in different sizes for proper typographic contrast and hierarchy. After looking at different options we picked Ubuntu Font Family - a high quality open source outline font optimized for screen typography. It's highly legible on small sizes but scales up easily to headline sizes as well. And it’s freely available from Google Web Fonts. "

The image I (Vado) made for the article, was even shown in the Sulake news, so they obviously listened, but will not do anything about it. What does this mean, though? Habbo will not be bringing back the Volter font to Habbo? Even though Habbo's desperately want this, with OVER 600 votes on the UserVoice forum?


16 replies on “Volter font now available!”

It's amazing how Sulake recognizes Puhekupla as a fansite although it goes against the "Fansite Way" on their Terms & Condition. I'm a little annoyed with the client. It's terrible. I hate how the game is adjusting to technology and loosing it's creative roots. The other day I designed a layout of how the client should look like:

Cool, 4sq! I changed a little on the picture. [url=]Link[/url]

Wow! See what I found in Habbo's scripting-things... o.o Used F12-developer-tool xP Wierdo.

ect. :P It's the starter-thing, just with "client.starting" instead of the other text (depending on what country you come from.)

Cool, Sulake Puhekupla mentions in their news article!
[i]Sorry, for my bad English, i'm Dutch.[/i]


Wow. That design is great! You've combined every single hotel-version in just one toolbar.
Sulake could learn from that. Nice job! :D

[quote=B573] I think that all pixel artists will still use this font, that's why they released it :) I for sure will still use this font, as it IS Habbo's font.


Thanks. But the funny thing is, I got banned for 11 years for no reason on 4sq. They said I was providing scam websites although my chat logs are clean. I'm tryin to repeal my ban.

Obviously I am very disappointed at Sulake for changing it they have offered a valid reason and so I'm not mad at them, I think the new font is pretty nice actually :P

The toolbar in the bottom is obviously better than the toolbar we have in the real Hotel, and that thing where the Habbo stands on is nice.
The only thing that irritates me a little is the box with options. If it is possible to include that to the toolbar, this would be perfect.

That's what I think

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