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Puhekupla Christmas Survey


We're working hard on brainstorming new ideas for the viewers, coding new systems, and creating brand new features for everyone to use. We're so excited to roll out all of these new features, and we'll let you know as soon as we have new stuff added to Puhekupla.

Can you believe it we're already in November of 2012. It's just a over a month away from Christmas! The staff at Puhekupla are starting to organise some fun Puhekupla Christmas stuff, and we want your opinion.

Who else knows what's best for Puhekupla, more than the viewers?

Tell us in the comments below everything and anything about Christmas on Puhekupla. If you have an opinion, we want to hear it.

Do you want special Christmas competitions, or maybe something really unique I can't even think of it while I write this (that's kinda why we want your help...)

Let us know in the comments below (L)

- Vado

12 replies on “Puhekupla Christmas Survey”

'Ey, in my opinion, I miss the... Halloween "Catch the ducks" game you had once.
I'd love to see similar games, ex. in winter-edition? :D

- As, Clicklator and Runescaip-BetaGriefer.

1. Hire new staff (more active ones)
2. Advanced user system (adding friends, removing friends, chatting with them (something like Facebook has or a PM system)
3. New skin (or even a whole new re-design, but still keeps that classic Puhekupla look)
4. Competitions
5. Updated furni system (so it shows animations)
6. More advanced mobile version
7. New language for the whole site (Turkish)

Just some current ideas I thought of.

Some more ideas I thought of:

1. Registered users can edit/delete their own comments
2. Could make it so when a registered user deletes their own comment it's still view able by staff (and leaves a message behind saying "This comment has been deleted by %username%)
3. Sell VIP (VIP users won't leave behind a message when they delete their own comment, but the comment could still be view able by administrators inside the database)
4. Special users that are currently VIP's could be made into VIP+ or even Legends
5. Make quoting easier. (Like it's hard when you want to multi-quote people because I get confused with the N####)
6. Make VIP/staff members more noticeable when commenting (make their name be bold/colored or have some type of sparkles in the background, like forums)

Idea: Get non-idiot moderators and moderators who will actually not be dicks?
I think my suggestion is the best ^^^

Another new idea:
Make your online status be "Invisible" if you don't want to appear on the online users list.

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