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Get Social & Your Habbo Memories #001


Puhekupla is starting to get more social, to keep in contact with you about what's going on within the website, and exclusive competitions and news - and we want you to be apart of it.

So, you know the drill - "Follow" us on Twitter, "Like" us on Facebook and "Subscribe" to us on YouTube.

We will be keeping in touch with you from these channels from now on, and getting more involved with the community and what's going on. We've received your feedback from the Puhekupla Christmas Survey, and we've taken note of every single one of them and we will look over them to see what we can do for the community.


We want to start something, to showcase all of our members to the community through these channels, so we've created Your Habbo Memories. We've asked Habbo's to send us what they miss about the "Old Habbo", which you can see below.

So, if you have a memory about the Old Habbo, feel free to Tweet or Facebook us.

Hope all is well - tell us how you are :)

- Vado, Mark & The Team (L)

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