Imported News

Citizenship / Newcomer [UPDATE]

Update for Newcomer is Coming!

landing.view.novice.ask_for_tour.title=Sign up for a tour
landing.view.novice.ask_for_tour.caption=Feeling lost?
landing.view.novice.home_room.title=Check out your room

landing.view.novice.home_room.bodytext=We have created a room just for you. We've left it a bit bare, so you can decorate it the way you want. You can get to your room any time by hitting the big yellow H (top left corner).
landing.view.novice.explore_hotel.button=Go to some public area

landing.view.novice.change_clothes.button=Change my looks
landing.view.novice.explore_hotel.bodytext=It might be a good idea to look around in one of our public rooms as a starting point. Enjoy your stay in the hotel!
landing.view.novice.ask_for_tour.button=Ask for a tour

landing.view.novice.change_clothes.bodytext=Before you start exploring the Hotel, make sure you look the way you want. It makes a whole lot of difference!
landing.view.novice.change_clothes.caption=Find your style
landing.view.novice.home_room.button=Go to my home room
landing.view.novice.home_room.caption=Home sweet home

landing.view.novice.explore_hotel.title=Explore the hotel
landing.view.novice.ask_for_tour.bodytext=If you ever don't know what to do in Habbo, you can always ask an experienced user to show you around. Taking a tour is a great way to learn the ropes.
landing.view.novice.change_clothes.title=Change your looks
landing.view.novice.explore_hotel.caption=Want to meet others?

7 replies on “Citizenship / Newcomer [UPDATE]”

There's a new layout for "Change looks" - Go take a look.. Looks horrible in my opinion, though. :S

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