Furni Imported News

Loyalty Points - Quests - Codes [UPDATE]

Loyalty Points reward you with one point for each credit you buy! You can even win a bonus of 120 extra points if you buy a total of 120 credits in a month. You can then redeem your Reward Points against the few, Credits or HC.


[furni="loyalty_mouse"] [furni="loyalty_toad"] [furni="statue_dragon"] [furni="statue_elk"] [furni="statue_griffin"]

Icon / IMAGE


Codes (Quests):

quests.daily.FINDSTATUE.hint=To complete this quest, find the statue and double-click on it.
quests.daily.FINDSTATUE.completed=Mysterious! Who does he look like? Artifacts
quests.daily.FINDSTATUE.desc=They say strange statues are in the jungle. Can you discover them?

notifications.text.loyalty.received=You received %AMOUNT% loyalty points!
catalog.alert.notenough.activitypoints.description.5=Oops. It seems you don't have enough Loyalty Points! To find out how to earn Loyalty Points see the information page.
catalog.alert.notenough.activitypoints.title.5=Not enough Loyalty Points!
catalog.purchase.youractivitypoints.5=Your Loyalty Points: %activitypoints%

There are probably more new furniture, and more opportunities for Habbo Club members

9 replies on “Loyalty Points - Quests - Codes [UPDATE]”

When will Loyalty Points be avaible in
When in the others (,,, etc...) ?

Like the griffin and the dragon, no way I'm gonna pay that much for it to get them for "free".

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