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Pet Shows, new game for Habbo [UPDATE]

New game will arrive at Habbo Hotel from the Tetrablok developers (Seepia Games) named Pet Shows. We sent a mail to Seepia Games and the CEO has confirmed this saying they will launch an alpha version in Habbo.COM and probably Habbo.FI and then in all hotels.

Pet Shows description:
Pet Shows makes you the coach for a family of pets (dogs, cats, hamsters, bunnies etc.). Train your puppies well and compete against other players' pets in various events and competitions to win prizes.

More informations about the game:
Pets are from three different life stages. When they are young, player can train them to be better on some specific areas. When the pets are adults they can participate in different pet shows and events and achieve medals or some other rewards. When pet retires it can be used to breed new pets with other players pets to have new generation of even more talented pets. The game play concentrates on managing the team of pets. The goal is to compete with other players and find out who has the best team of pets.

- Thx to desaativado for last information

17 replies on “Pet Shows, new game for Habbo [UPDATE]”

You are such a "good" news reporter. A short mail with a short, informal question to a company. Fail :P

Well nothing can be as bad as tetra block. I used to play games like this when I was 12, they're aiming too much at the younger people :(

Soon there is to be a search bar within the games section, so you can search for the game you need to find. I don't expect this to be enabled until there's tons of games though.

[quote=N19219] How is this a fail? He got the information on this game, confirmed by the CEO before anyone? If anything it is a good sneak peak article. -Sconticut

La noticia ya está en español. [img=]
The new is now available in spanish. [img=]

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