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Puhekupla Keeps It Real with Habbo!


Habbo is all about safety, and this week Habbo is putting a spotlight on piracy of Habbo Hotel.

So, what's this all about?
Fake Habbo hotels. For whatever reason, people like to create fake Habbo's, to try and trick players of Habbo to sign up, meanwhile stealing all of your personal information.

How do I know if it's real or not?
Only ever put your account details into - if it's another name, do not put your account details (email & password) into these websites.

What can I do to stop it?
Don't get fooled by spammers on Habbo. If someone's spamming "come to this hotel and get free credits", use the Help tool immediately to report the user to a Moderator. Don't be fooled by the glitz and glamour of it all, as it will cause problems later on.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below and we will be happy to answer.
Want further information? Check out the official Habbo blog here.

Spread the word around - keep it real & stay safe!

By Vado, LiquefiedFilth & Puhekupla Staff

15 replies on “Puhekupla Keeps It Real with Habbo!”

I think saying that Retros steal personal information is wrong; I know several people behind very big retros and the information is encrypted and rechecked for security.

if Habbo will make huge redesign and add public rooms i\'ll buy 200c and forget about retros at all.

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