Blogs Imported


Hi guys!

as you might have noticed, I didn't blog for a while now. There are a couple of reasons which I'll try to explain here.. :-)

- We're working on new stuff, which takes time to develop, test and improve.
- I'm recoding parts of our system, to make it better, faster and more flexible.
- I'm almost graduating and finishing my final intern ship this month.
- I'm starting a full-time job (40 hours/week) next month.

See? Loads of stuff happening. We're currently working on some new features. One of those new features are Puhekupla Points. You can use those points to buy profile items in the shop. We'll add "rights" later, so you can edit your comments. We might even add smilies and other nice stuff you can buy with your points.

You can earn points by being an active member of our community. So comment to our articles, login and visit the site daily, win competitions, you name it!

Please vote in the poll above (yea, that's a bug!) this article if you like this idea. Any suggestions of stuff you want to buy or see are welcome in the comments below..

Mark (|)


14 replies on “Update!”

Current stuff will stay free, and we will keep adding new (free) stuff. Also you can earn points by being active. No need to worry :-)

This article is now available in Spanish. [img=]
Este artículo ya está disponible en Español. [img=]

Personally for me i don't really use my profile i find it pontless i just come on here to get information about upcoming habbo furni ect...

I think you should
1. Get new translators. This is about first article in weeks that has been translated (and only for Spanish).
2. More backgrounds to profiles. Maybe something new too.
3. Modern, good looking layout would be nice.

I have spoken. :-|

I doubt this is going to work! I still haven't received my prize from a halloween event 2 years ago!

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